The End... No The Beginning

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How could she do this to me? I fell into Tartarus for her. We fought two wars together. I gave up immortality because I loved her. The rest of them too. What should I do? What can I do?

Why am I still watching her? And him?

'Oh yes Noah! Oh Styx yes! Harder! Oh I love you! Oh please more! More!'

This was not the Annabeth I knew, that I loved. She wouldn't do this to me. How could she do this to me?

I guess I should explain. 13 days ago a demigod travelled to camp, it was quite suprising; the satyr and him had not been attacked by monsters. Anyway the boy was called Noah, which is not surprising considering his parentage. Yes he is my brother.

Well moving on, he slightly dislikes me, in fact that's quite mildly put as he completely hates me. He loathes me. Not that I would have cared if it weren't for the fact that he wanted to act on his raw emotion. He was driven by a passion - to ruin my life.

First he 'convinced' (bribed more like) a Hecate child into teaching him how to manipulate the mist: Being a child of the 'Big Three,' and therefore very powerful, he was incredibly good at it.

He then used this ability to take that campers that didn't know me that well away from my friendship, and towards his tyranny and tollaritarian way of life.

However, that wasn't enough for him, no. The prophet' had to take the friends of the 'saviour' (not that I think I am one) away from him as well - although that analogy doesn't really work due to the fact that that event are not in the correct chronological order.

Anyway he used the mist and downright trickery (spreading rumours, framing me for stealin/braking thing, etc.) to slowly take my friends away. Ironically, my friends left in pairs - Travis and Katie, Will and Lou, Connor and Nyssa, Thalia and Nico (I still don't understand that), Grover and Juniper, etcetera. The only people that didn't leave me were Chris, and Annabeth - although that was soon to change.

One evening during Capture the Flag I completely fell off my rocker. I almost killed Noah. Da- Posiedon blew a gasket. He called me a number of things I'd rather not repeat and then he officially disowned me. Of course, because I nearly killed a camper, I lost Chiron too.

As revenge for almost killing him, Noah got a couple of his bullies to kill my mother and Paul. They as tabbed them both through the mercilessly and in cold-blood.

Then if course there is Annabeth. She told me she wanted to keep herself pure of marriage. 'I want to earn my white dress.' Yeah right. I bet she didn't tell that to Noah.

Well anyway what am I going to do? My Riptide can help...

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