Whoa... His our new teacher

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They were waiting for me. All of them. Ron, Goerge, Hermione and Ginny. Oh, how beautiful she looked. I walked up to them and after greeting them, I kissed Ginny. How good it felt. Although being kicked in the gut afterwards didn't brilliant.

'What the HELL Ron!'

'Sorry, instict. And please would you not snog my sister in front of me!'

'Someone jealous?' I stopped when I saw Ron losing control, 'Anyway let's start heading towards Diagon Alley. I need some new robes.'

When we got to the craziest place in the world, we were confronted with a funny sight: A boy who looked almost identical to me being dragged around by a 12 year old girl with piercing silver lunar crescents for eyes and a 22 year old woman with purple hair and eyes. As we had a bit of spare time we followed them into Oliviander's. We arrived just in time to hear Oliviander call the 22 year old mother. We stifled a laugh. That was either seriously messed up or complete tosh - probably the latter.

Just then Oliviander noticed us and pulled himself together. 'Try this one Mr Jackson,' he spoke my double, '12 inch sand dollar with a centaur hair core.' I heard Hermione gasp, I had to suppress one myself; of the wand was real it would be unique, one of a kind, never seen before and most likely never seen again.

I was brought out of my reverie by Mr Jackson trying out his wand. Talk about the wand choosing the wizard, it was like a prophecy had made it happen, they fitted together like Antarctica and penguins.

'This will do nicely,' the 22 year old exclaimed. And with that they left without even paying for the wand.

The rest of the journey to Howarts was uneventful,mercer for when a chocalate frog got stuck up Ron's nose, but then again, things never change.

We all excitedly sat in the great hall, wanting to know who the new teachers were and who the new head of Gryffindor was. We also, looked for the boy who could have been my twin, but we couldn't find him anywhere.

We listened to McGonogall's boring speech about how she would still teach transfiguration and how Professor Slughorn would teach potions and how the afore mentioned professor would also be the new head of Slytherin and the list goes on and on.

We were dying to know who the DADA teacher was but we still weren't told. Then we listened to the sorting hat sort the first years, most were sorted into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

Finally, McGonagall announced our new professor: 'The new DADA professor and head of Gryfindor Professor Perseus Jackson.'

And then he came strolling through the doors, my lookalike, but now I could see the differences. He had raging sea green eyes whereas I have emerald orbs. He had a deep tan, like he'd spent all his time outside. He had a well defined muscles that one could see through a shirt that hugged his figure tightly underneath his sea green robe (when I said 'well defined' I mean they looked like they had been chiseled into rock). His eyes also had a slightly shattered look like broken glass.

Every girl was drooling at the sight of him, including Hermione and Ginny, which I did not appreciate at all.

Ron was too shocked to notice Hermione lustfull eyes. Instead he mumbled, 'Whoa... That's our teacher.' This is going to be a long year.

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