Old Friends become New ones.

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Iyesha's P.O.V.

Alright so I think your filled in enough about those past years, back to reality.

Let me just tell you grade 12 sucks balls. So many assignments and work uggh. Plus all the bitchy slutty girls running around everywhere shagging every guy they meet. Welcome to Mackay, largest rate of STD's in Australia.

Mrs. Plomer told us yesterday that there was a new kid that was joining our class today, but he hasnt showed up yet, so here I am sitting in the back of maths class, by myself because Jade decided to chuck a sickie today. Not happy. Oh well suppose I'll have to hang out with my many other cool friends. lol jokes. I hate it when she doesnt show up, I have to spend my day walking around like a loser by myself. It's not that I dont have friends but I just dont like them, their annoying and snobby. I have two other really close friends Olivia and Bree, but bree doesnt like me hanging out with Olivia because she's overprotective ha. I personally dont like her a lot, but meh.

"Iyesha..... IYESHA!

"what..." i said, snapping out of my daze.

" Stop day dreaming and pay attention"

"Oh.. umm sorry Ms"

Just as Mrs. Plomer finished yelling at me about something, I wasnt really listening, the hottest guy walked through the door, Holy smokes, he's just so sanakf,kfjba. Boy did he look Familar.

"Oh, class, this is your new classmate Chase." Mrs.Plomer explained

A few stares and gasps were errupted from around the whole room from the girls as the teacher introduced us all.

Thats it! He's Chase, my old bestfriend from Andergrove. Holy shit he got hot. Oh wait he's coming over here, act cool Iyesh.

"Hey" he said sitting down in the vacant seat next to me.

"Hi" I replied, a little too quickly, which earned me a raised eye-brow.

Oh well done Iyesha, totally just embarres yourself. I wonder if he remembers me.

" Whats your name?" he asked.

well that answers that question.

"uh um Iyesha" I replied with a smile, which he returned.

"Oh thats a pretty name." He smiled sweetly.

" haha um thank-you" I blushed.

Oh god, How can he not remember me, well I guess it was 9 years ago, but still. I thought I meant alot to him. Guess not.

" IYESHA AND CHASE! STOP TALKING AND GET YOUR WORK DONE!" Mrs Plomer practically screamed from across the room.

wow someones got their knickers in a twist today.

" You know, I used to have a bestfriend named Iyesha." chase whispered.

Really, was all I could reply with.

" yeah, she was pretty just like you. Actually you's look alot alike." he stated.

" oh haha thanks, I think? what happened." I whispered back.

" I dont know, one day she just left, I never saw her again, until now." he said with a huge grin on his face.

" what do you mean?" I asked, the confusion clear in my voice.

" what, you think I could ever forget you." he chukled.

" well, yeah."

" well I didnt, I couldnt ever." He smiled

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