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Of course, you need to fill our your OC information!

Let's see...


AGE (15-17)>>
GENDER (you don't have to be just male and female!)>>
QUIRK (and how it works)>>
DESCRIPTION (typed or with a picture)>>
CASUAL CLOTHES (typed or with a picture)>>
HERO COSTUME (typed or with a picture)>>
FRIENDS (cannot include Bakugo or a villain)>>
ENEMIES (can be Bakugo or a villain)>>
BACKGROUND (short paragraph please)>>


And now for the rules! No one likes 'em but we need 'em!

+As much fluff and you want, but only a little smut allowed. And I need a warning first!

+Backgrounds cannot be "Don't wanna talk about it.'' At least something like: "Well this happens to my OC but the rest is unknown." or like "BLAH BLAH but the rest will be revealed in the roleplay." At least a little information!

+There will be a chapter where you guys get to make up your own scenarios, but most chapters will be scenarios I made up.

+Dating is allowed, in fact it's recommended! You may date other roleplayers or anyone known in the anime! Just no teacher-student or pro-hero-student relationships.

+You must create your own chain. Also request if you want to roleplay with me or you're an open roleplay for anyone else to join.

+No Mary/Gary-Sues, no over-kills, and no doing anything big without your roleplay partner's permission.

+Any other rules I think need to be added will be added!!

P L U S U L T R A (A My Hero Academia Roleplay)Where stories live. Discover now