midnight snack

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sweet and warm and like home
somewhere in the world of the rhythm of your existence i stand as you collect your rest for the night

my empty room is now full of the music of you
a warm and calm smile hugs me gently, as I slowly find myself reaching for the courage to whisper goodbye as well

you went on ahead without me, but that's alright. I'll hold on tight until it's almost unbearable, but it's unbearable to chose to leave your side

as open as the pages of my childhood story books and as deep as the hole I dug in my grandmas back yard. the one I thought would lead to the very secrets of this vast world

as deep and as caring as the nightlight you once slept with to keep you company. to help you sleep, to give you comfort, or mere sense of relief.

as sweet as milkshakes and cookies , i crave it like the shredded cheese in the quiet tiptoeing of midnight. i wish i could escape with it. on ankle-bruising scooters and wobbly bikes. oh the thrilling chill of the dangling keys they thought would sit tight for the night.

maybe i was too short before,  for the cold sweets of the freezer, maybe my little arms could not reach far enough for the one that i really wanted. but im afraid that by the time ive grown the sweetness will be all gone, vanished into someone elses stomache. it could be well deserved but who is to say i can't have it yet? who is to say im too small, too weak or too far from home to be rewarded as such? no one.

ive tried getting it on my own before when i wasn't so sure yet and ended up hurting myself. this time ive carefully pulled up a firm chair to help me stand tall. tonight I'll take it on my own, and I'll gently push the chair back again, because i know it will be there tomorrow and after tomorrow's tomorrow.

so here i am.... where i suppose ive always been.

here i am, looking up with what ive learned and where ive went, and where i know I'll go.

it's my turn, there's no crime. i mean it with everything that I'll try and I'll keep trying.

so rest upon the sweet bed of stars that dance behind those eyelids. hear the magical sound of the beautiful whispers  of silence. with each subconscious blink upon blink i hope the days go slow and are prosperous between us. with each flicker and sticker i press against your most familiar and welcoming outerside, i pray you keep all my sweets and all my cheese cool and with every glance at you im overwhelmed,, no- overflowing with that love that fills my inside.

dreams be gentle and morning be kind,
um..i guess you can say this is about my refrigerator.. now im tired,



                           goodnight ♡.

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