First Sight

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Dean's POV
The show had just come to a close. I was in the final segment as usual. After the lights had turned to a familiar shade of yellow, I was heading through the backstage halls. People were stopping and giving me positive feedback on the promo I'd just closed the show with. One of those people was the former Divas Champion-Paige. As she approached me I couldn't help but stare at her face, her eyes were glistening in the light as I then got the chance to gaze into them. I was so focused on her eyes I didn't notice her crimson painted lips moving. "Hey, 'Ambrose. Awesome promo out there. You get better and better!" Said Paige as she stood there looking perfect so effortlessly. I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to quickly create a response. I didn't want her to know that I cared about her opinion. "Ha'. Thanks, Paige." She then gave me a weird look. However, It seemed like she didn't want to show it. I watched her walk off into the distance until she was a mere dot. I then proceeded to my locker room, where I took a well deserved shower.
Paige's POV
I'd just washed myself off after a hard fought match against my on-screen rival AJ Lee. I love competing against her because we go all out. I made my way out of the divas locker room to locate the divas costume sewer-Sandra. After a short while I found her alongside two other women who were working on the talents attire. I approached Sandra about the idea of a grey attire. She said she'd look into it because a lot of the fans have been requesting it. As I was talking to her, the monitor in front of us was displaying the show. I couldn't help but notice the bad-boy who I just couldn't get out of my mind. His name was Dean Ambrose. After I saw the copyright message in the corner of the screen I knew it was the cue for going off the air. I saw Dean holding a mic. That meaning he cut a promo. Great! I'd found something I could talk to him about. I then made my way to the curtains without telling anyone my intentions. I then began to get a little nervous as I saw him come my way. I'd hid behind multiple superstars who wanted to congratulate him on his promo. I knew the time was right. So I then approached him. "Hey, 'Ambrose. Awesome promo out there. You get better and better!" Ugh, what was I thinking? I could've said something way more intellectual. It's just the way he looks at me, I lose focus as I'm drawn to all his perfections. "Ha'. Thanks, Paige." Great, I made a complete fool out of myself. I needed to get away... Fast. I then looked at Dean once more before navigating my way back to the sewers location. Embarrassment written all over my face.

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