Chapter 27

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\\ Summer POV //

Y/n. I am always grateful to him for helping me, And so I helped him back. We had been together for so long that I just couldn't help but fall for him. It felt like something out of a fairy tale. While there are some things I don't like about him. I have accepted 'all' of them. That is what Love is all about anyways. But there is one thing that I don't like about all of this. Because of Tai, I became sick of fighting. Fighting always hurts someone mentally or physically. And because Tai and I fought, I'm in this situation. So I lost all the will to fight. I can barely hold my weapon. And I can't even use my silver eyes for long now. I have become weak.

I woke up with a headache, the bed wasn't as comfortable as it was before. Probably because of the absence of Y/n. I left the bedroom and headed downstairs. As I was about to make the first step I hear my daughters discussing something. They were really quiet which indicates they want me to be left in the dark. I haven't done this in a while, but I think it's time I used it again. I open my eyes glowing silver. I concentrate and finally hear them.

"I understand, But why are we hiding this from Mom again?" "You dolt! I have told you many times. She is too mentally weak to fight again after what your 'Father' did to her!" I heard Yang grunt and Ruby stiffen. So this was what's going on. My eyes eventually hurt, telling me I'm at my limit. I really am weak, I can't even maintain this power for 10 seconds. I feel sad that I have to be protected by children. And angry at myself for being like this. Being protected again huh? 

I prepare myself and head down the stairs with a smile. "Good morning!!!" I say bubbly maintaining my smile as I see team RWBY quickly stop their conversation and look at me with a fake smile. "Good morning" they greeted in unison. "So what were you all talking about? It's been a while since I last had a girl talk too you know." I laugh and approach them on the couch. "Well, We were just talking about ..." Ruby starts 'Come on just say it please' "BREAKFAST, We were just talking about what to have for breakfast" Blake covers for her. I look at Ruby and ask "Is this true, sweetheart?" 'Please tell me, if you don't it means you think that I can't fight again anymore. So please' She looks down for a second and looks back to me with a huge 'smile'. "Yep, We were just talking about breakfast." I look at her blankly and smile. "Is that so? Then what would you all like to have?" I ask them. "Uhh, COOKIES!" Ruby responds happily. I look at the others and they sighed and complied. I smile and head to the kitchen "I'll tell you all when I'm done." They nodded and started talking about school.

I head inside the kitchen and fall to my knees, tears threatening to come out. 'No, I have to stand up. Or else I'm just proving myself that I'm weak. So please GET UP!" I slowly get up and start to make the cookies. 'Ruby thinks I'm weak. Yang thinks I'm weak. Blake and Weiss think I'm weak. Raven thinks I'm weak, Qrow thinks I'm weak, Tai thinks I'm weak. Ozpin thinks I'm weak. Even Y/n thinks I'm weak. They all think that I can't fight again. That I'm broken beyond broken.' I punch the wall next to me leaving a small dent, As I keep punching the wall with full force. Making a larger dent. I hear a drip next to me. I look down and see both my hands bleeding. Soon enough I heard quick footsteps approaching me. "MOM, ARE YOU OKAY?" Ruby runs to me and see my bleeding hands. "Your hands are bleeding. YANG, BANDAGES" She shouts as she leads me out of the kitchen and brings me to the couch. I see Blake and Weiss looking at me worriedly. As soon enough Yang comes back with a first aid kit. She sits next to me and opens the first aid kit. After the awkward silence, and Yang patching me up. "What's wrong?" Ruby asks me. I didn't say anything. "If you're scared of Tai, There is no need." Blake 'comforts' me. "Yeah! We'll keep you safe until Y/n arrives!" Yang exclaims happily. "We're strong enough to protect you too." Weiss nods at her team. I look at Ruby with a blank expression, She jumps back a little before calming down "No need to be scared Mom, I swear I will protect you!" I start to snicker, that to a full-on laughter. I stand up from the couch "I AM NOT WEAK!!!!" I scream as the others were taken back. I run out of the door and into the forest as fast as I could.

[Ruby POV] 

This was the first time she ever talked loud let alone screamed. We were shocked as she ran out. I smell something burning. "Yang! The oven!" I tell her as we break out of our trance. Yang takes the slightly burnt cookies out of the oven. As we finally calmed down, I quickly took out my scroll and called Uncle Qrow. "Yeeees?" He was definitely drunk "Uncle Qrow! Mom snapped and ran into the forest!" A few seconds later the call ended. Weiss also told Ozpin about it, and he told us to look for her too and to be careful. A few moments later we get our weapons and attire. I took one cookie and bite into it. Bitter. We close the door and run into the forest. The way she looked at me blankly twice. It was so obvious she didn't want to be weak, And yet I couldn't see it. I'm a failure of a daughter. After a few minutes, we hear a scream. It was Mom. We quickly go there. But I use my semblance and go there before the others. As I finally see her, I also see a shadow next to her and the shadow disappears. I run to her trying to tackle hug her. But as I was almost there. A force pulls me back. I look back and see professor Goodwitch looking at Mom with a solemn look. Not soon after, I see my team, Professor Ozpin, Uncle Qrow approach her. Professor Goodwitch stops her semblance releasing me. I look at them with confusion. My Mom turns back to me and smiles at me with her eyes closed. She opens her arms and says "Come here, My little rose~" 

                           1. 'Go with her'                                                                                2. 'Don't'





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