06 - Always, Good

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"You sure of this?" Demitri asks, knowing exactly where he's driving Kityana. His eyes are trained on the old farmhouse that they're getting real close to. "Butch is not a good man."

"Henry said he would be working the morning and afternoon and wouldn't be back until about 3 or 4." She responds easily, plucking some fuzz from her jacket.

"Am I picking you up at 2?" He glances at her and can't help the amused but soft smile he casts.

"No. Belch will drop me off." She stops preening and glances at him. "We might get a late lunch or something."

"Alright." Nods the uncle. "Are you and young Victor serious?"

"I feel that we are. Yes."

He inhales, turning onto the gravel driveway of the Bowers farm, stopping behind a blue Trans Am. "Perhaps we should have him over for dinner."

"No being mean to him. I like him." She huffs, gathering her things and opening the door. "I mean it. If I'm inviting him to our place, then you have to be nice."

He surrenders to her on that. "Alright. I'll be nice. Ask about tomorrow night."

"Alright. Thank you for the ride. Love you."

"Love you too!" He calls before she shuts the door. He watches to ensure she makes it into the farmhouse before leaving.

The door is answered pretty fast and she's beckoned in. To the right, as she kicks off her boots and tugs off her coat hat and scarf, she sees a mess and the guys. To the left and back- after a fireplace, set of shelves, and weight bench- is the messy dining room. "How messy."

"Don't judge me." Henry frowns at her.

"I already do." She shrugs. Moving to the dining room, she drapes her coat over a chair and makes a mental list of how to proceed cleaning it. A short hum leaves her before she circles the table to stack and gather every dish, utensil, and cup. Those are brought to the kitchen where she opens and shuts several cabinets before finding the garbage bags. Heading back out, she cleans off the table while the guys watch. The only two really not surprised are Belch and Vic. Not at the cleaning or that it's Kityana doing it, at least. But it is weird to see the tabletop when she's done. She even finds a rag and wets it down so she can scrub the table and chairs. Within 15 minutes, the dining room looks 100% different. "Well, the floor is unclean and the windows, walls, and ceiling need cleaning, but this'll do for now." Her attention turns towards the guys. "Let's get to work."

"Do we have to?" Patrick whines. The only answer he receives is her lifting a brow at him. He sighs and follows the others with their stuff to the table.

10 passes, then 11, then noon. This is when she has them doing something physical to help them stay awake and refocus. "Shame we can't do what we did last time..." Vic mutters, but goes completely heard by everyone.

"What'd you guys do?" Belch presses.

"Um..." Vic mentally kicks himself, face heating up.

"What the fuck? Why are you suddenly shy?" Henry scoffs, angered. "You two been fuckin'?"

"Not yet." Hums Kityana, amused. "He's fingered me and I've sucked him off." She shrugs, causing them to gape at her.

"You just said that like it's normal to talk about..." Patrick says, blinking and with a hand up as if to halt her.

"It is." She sets a fist to her hip, cocking it aside. "Were you expecting me to be shy about it? Embarrassed?" A laugh escapes her. "Niet. I enjoy it all, really, so, why would I feel ashamed for it?"

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