08 - Ya ub'yu tebya

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WARNING: There will be Sexual Interactions presented in this chapter! 

Bev hung up the house phone and looked towards Kityana, who is wrapped up in Vic's arms on the couch while the other members of the Gang sit around chatting. Summer is in full swing. "The boys are going to the Quarry. Richie's calling Mike to see if he'll go with." Kityana nods Bev go on. "They said the guys can come, too. Said to meet at the cliff."

"They've jumped?" Scoffs Patrick.

Bev shrugs. "I dunno. But I wanna."

"Jump?" Kityana questions.

"The Quarry is bottomed by water. There's a road atop a cliff of the Quarry where people like to jump from." Vic explains.

"Ooh." She gets up. "Let's go jump then."

"Yes!" Beverly cheers a little. "Should I get my bathing suit?"

Kityana shrugs largely. "I'll jump in my birthday suit if I have to!" She eyes the hesitant guys. "Come on. Don't be shy."

"Fine. Fine." Huffs Henry, standing.

Kityana warns Demitri that she's heading out with everyone and taking Bev with her, to which he agrees to. They pile into Belch's car, Bev between Patrick and Vic, while Kityana sits on Vic's lap. She is actually tying her hair back and braiding that.

"Your hair has so much volume, Kit." Bev sighs. "Mine is always flat."

Kityana shrugs. "We could sew wefts to your scalp to offer more volume?"

Horror crosses Bev's face. "Sew what? To where?"

"Fake hair in a cut line, sewn to the skin under the hair to offer more hair and bigger volume. I believe black women call it a... weave? Though they braid their natural hair first and sew to that."

"Oh my God, no. Beauty may be pain, but I don't wanna be pretty that bad! Jesus."

"You are pretty, though, Bev. Who has said otherwise?" Frowns the blonde girl.

"I dunno. Everyone?"

Lifting her brows, Kityana sighs. Her attention lifts to Patrick, who seems confused by the things Bev is saying. "Did you ever notice that Little Keene picks on the prettier girls?"

He looks up at her in surprise before nodding. "Yeah. I mean, she could be worth something to look at if she did something better with herself, but... she does get jealous easy and victimizes those she knows are prettier." He offers.

Bev blushes deeply. "Oh..."

"I'd fuck Marsh before scraggly ass Keene any day." Huffs Henry honestly. He looks back at Bev. "Don't you think for one fuckin' minute I'm sayin' that to be nice, either. I ain't kiddin'."

For a reason Bev can't explain, she ends up smiling and giggling, totally flattered and her confidence boosted. "Thanks."

He snorts and turns back around, pleased with himself. "Yeah, don't mention it, Marsh."

They finally pull up to the cliff, quietly, and climb out. All the boys are there, stripped to their underwear and urging one another to jump. Kityana shares a look with Beverly and both are quick to strip and run for the cliff. Both girls jump without hesitation, showing up all the guys.

Vic sighs, startling the boys into looking towards him and the guys. He strips, noticing Patrick behind him quickly doing the same. Patrick is first and jumps right before Vic jumps too.

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