Episode 1 - Back to Black: Part 1

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Warnings: I don't own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show "Charmed" or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.

15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.

Pan sat on the couch within the attic in her family home looking through a family photo album that included pictures of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Melinda, Wyatt and Chris as well as containing baby, child and teenage pictures of herself and Paul

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Pan sat on the couch within the attic in her family home looking through a family photo album that included pictures of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Melinda, Wyatt and Chris as well as containing baby, child and teenage pictures of herself and Paul.

"Do you know the elders summon me more than you do these days?" Piper complained as she appeared as if from out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry grams things around here have got even more crazy than normal as I'm sure you've probably seen for yourself." Pan replied as she stood up, placing the photo album down on the couch.

"Yeah I've seen which is why I decided it was time to properly check in," Piper explained to her granddaughter. "How are you coping with it all?"

"I'm doing good yeah it's most Drake that's struggling with it all although he's acting like it's not affected him, I know it has. He doesn't let people in easily and when he does, he winds up hurt that's got to blow." Pan admitted to her.

"The elders have always been real pains in the proverbial especially with their archaic ideology you should've seen the hissy fit they through when I married your grandfather but eventually they learned I wouldn't back down and it was time for them to change their ways which I hope happens again in this case." Piper reassured her.

"I'm not sure this time Grams I've not seen or heard much from Quinn since he got reassigned and I doubt Drake's going to open himself up again just to be hurt." Pan replied honestly.

"Drake's a lot more resilient than you think and he's full of surprises I mean just look at him you and Paul all under the same roof." Piper disagreed with her granddaughter. "I never thought he would wind up moving in and he did."

"Pan are you coming back to..." Lacey began to ask while walking into the attic before noticing Piper. "Oh, never mind."

"Hello again Lacey I see being dead is a good look on you." Piper said to her granddaughter's girlfriend.

"Right back at you Mrs Halliwell." Lacey replied to her.

"I'm so glad Aunt Paige bended the rules about white lighters and sped up Lacey's process." Pan admitted as she walked over to Lacey and kissed her. "I couldn't imagine life without you."

"Yes, well every now and then the elders and by which, I mean my sister Paige manages to get things right." Piper told them both. "Where is my grandson and great grandson anyway?"

"Paul's working late at the law firm and Drake's always late coming in from Devilish Delights." Pan explained to her grandmother.

"What the hell is Devilish Delights?" Piper wondered.

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