Episode 6 - Coronation: Part 1

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Warnings: I don't own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show "Charmed" or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.

15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.

Drake found himself meditating on the floor of his new Gothic bedroom located within the Underworld when Quinn orbed into his room

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Drake found himself meditating on the floor of his new Gothic bedroom located within the Underworld when Quinn orbed into his room.

"You can't seriously be trying to find your inner peace while in the Underworld." Quinn said to him making Drake open his eyes.

"If you must know it's a lot quieter around here than it's ever been in the Halliwell Manor." Drake replied as he rose to his feet.

"I know you are mad with us all and I get that but what I don't understand is why you're suddenly aligning yourself with the man who killed your best friend, your best friend's father and let's not forget your own mother his daughter." Quinn told him.

"Crystals." Drake shouted while waving his hand trapping Quinn in a crystal cage.

"Did you seriously just trap me?" Quinn asked in shock at being imprisoned by the man he loved. "I don't know what's got into you, but this isn't the real you."

"Yeah you see maybe at some stage this wasn't who I am but it's who I am now and let's face it it's who I was always meant to be." Drake answered his former white lighter. "I'm sorry for trapping you but I can't have anyone getting in the way of my coronation."

"Please don't tell me you're going to be crowned the prince of the Underworld." Quinn pleaded with him. "Have you truly lost your mind?"

"Of course not," Drake responded with a sinister smirk. "I'm about to be the new source of all evil."

"No, Drake, no!" Quinn begged him. "This isn't a path you can just go down once you do there's no going back. This isn't what your parents wanted for you."

"Yeah well they weren't the wisest if they were maybe they'd still be around." Drake replied coldly. "It's about time I got myself some serious power without having to rely on a frankly unreliable charmed alliance."

"Drake please don't do this I know you're hurting right now but I love you." Quinn cried.

"Your love has been nothing but a curse to me a weakness that I refuse to allow to claim any more of my power." Drake snapped at him. "The minute I am crowned kind I'm going to celebrate by not only ending you but Paul and Pan too in fact I'd kill you within this second if I wasn't going to get so much delight from watching you suffer."

Pan walked through to the kitchen in her family home only to see an unclean and unshaven Paul sat at the kitchen bottle nursing a have empty bottle of whiskey in his hand while two other empty bottles were placed on the table as Pan quickly realized her brother had been up all night drinking.

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