Make it Right

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Author P.O.V

Tae is still crying when they reached the carpark. JK wrapped his arm around Tae's shoulder and walked slowly towards Tae's apartment. "Lets talk, Bae. I make us some hot cocoa" JK went into the kitchen to prepare them some hot cocoa. Tae immediately head to his bedroom, fell into his bed and continue to sob. "Bae, pls stop. Its hurting me seeing you like this. Talk to have me..Im here" assured JK. " Stop! You are not making things easier. Just please leave. Dont ever come back here. Lets forget about all this shit. Pretend this...this thing between us never happened. Leave me before we got hurt more. Just stay out from my Fucking Love life. I dont deserve you, Jeonggukkie." shouted Tae, swallowing in his tears and pushing JK away. JK pinned him down with all his might and slapped him across his face. "You listen to me..I am not going anywhere and this is where I belong..with you..only with you. I dont give fuck about whatever this thing is. I know I need you...want you..longing for you and without you, Im lifeless. If you want to see me happy, let me be happy. My happiness starts and ends with you. Do you understand me? I dont care if you think this is ridiculous or act of pity but I swear to you, if you ever think of leaving me.. I end you here." JK did not realized that he almost choked Tae. He was too furious and upset with Tae's decision to pull him out of the equation.
He released his grip and head to the bathroom, slamming the door hard behind him.

Tae P.O.V

I just want to die right now..feeling hopeless. I will just say what I have to say. Let him hate me. Lets make a scene so that he can back down. Just have to trigger his anger. I began to shout and say all the hurtful words while pushing him hard and there he is.. looking furious. What comes next did not what I expected. Pain triggered across my face and the sudden shortness of breath. Did he just choked me...while locking his eyes to mine with his piercing eyes. I never see him this angry and I have to admit that I am kind of scared of him. Feeling confused but his words touched me.


Hope this Hot cocoa settles him down. My poor baby. I will assure him that I will always stand by him no matter what. He must be in his bedroom. I will console him and be there for him. That is the promise I want him to hear. I put the hot cocoa down the side table and slowly lay beside him carressing his curly black hair. Just then, he exploded in front of me, sputtering nonsense and pushing me away. No Tae, I cannot make you win tonight. I will make it right.

Author P.O.V

Jk calmed himself, washing his face over and over again. He did not mean to hurt Tae but he cannot accept the fact that Tae easily giving up on their relationship. He had been in love with Tae for as long as he could remember and here Tae thought it was just a short relationship span. That blew his mind off and felt sorry that he reacted that way. Jk went out from the bathroom, glancing towards the bed where Tae was still frozen, not moving an inch. Jk walked past Tae and out to the kitchen. Jk is preparing dinner..a simple one. Ramyeon. Already decided to sleepover tonight to accompany Tae. Fifteen minutes passed, JK went into Tae's room once more. "Bae, lets fill up our tummy before we go to bed k. No matter how sad or angry, we have to eat. Dont wanna see you falling sick."
Tae sitting down at the edge of his bed and reply, "Fine...I will be out in a minute". Somehow Tae just obliged.
They are eating in silence only the sound of soup slurping and some slow music in the background. "Im staying tonight and are you going to work tomorrow? If you are not feeling it, I can excuse myself too. And dont give me crap about leaving me alone and you do your things..Its either you need me here with you or not." Glancing up on Tae, waiting for some sort of sign that Tae really needed him. "Im in no shape to work. And if u think u want to stay, up to you. Even if I say wont budge. Im done..Will you excuse me, I need to prepare some music for the kids' exam." Wiping his mouth with napkin and leaving JK all alone with his unfinished soup.


I will show him what he means to me. I will show him that I take him seriously. I will show him my heart and I will show him that I belong to him. Only to him. My mind is all over the place while doing the dishes. I am scared that he is not able to see my sincerity and love for him. What am I supposed to do if he never accept me. No...that will never going to happen.I will not let him. I will not surrender. I will make it right.

Tae P.O.V

How can I tell him to move on without me when I myself want him so bad. My head hurts thinking of the possibilities and how to move on without him by my side. Can we stay friends after this...Damn! Is that even a question. Lovely of him to make me dinner and if he continue to be this damn nice, I could not let him go. Literally my head hurts from all the crying, the anger and the frustration. I am going to focus on work at home since I am not coming in tomorrow. I am going to get myself excused. That is the only way to avoid looking at his gorgeous self.

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