Go Go

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Author P.O.V

This weekend is their road trip to Busan. They are going for a short weekend getaway enjoying the outskirts of Seoul. The boys just need to unwind and decided to make this trip happened as the last trip they went was a year ago during Jin hyung birthday. Tae called JK asking if he is ready and if he has packed well as Jin was now on his way to fetch JK first followed by the rest as Jin's home is nearest to JK's.

Tae was feeling nervous..almost overwhelmed on how he needed to be careful in front of his Hyungs. Especially Namjoon Hyung who is so observant. We all been together near a decade and not once they teased Tae and JK possibly be together when Tae and JK opened up to their Hyungs years ago. Maybe they thought that this kind of relationship might ruined all their friendship or maybe they dont see that Tae and JK suited each other or whatever reasons it may be. All Tae knows that he must be careful to not let it slip...and so did JK.

Tae P.O.V

Stand by me...stand by me..ohh dar.. "Yes, hyung?Are u downstairs?" "Reaching in five...come down now." Jin Hyung replied. I let out a sigh, breathe in and out and out I go...Im going to see my Bunny. Oh my..why am I about to faint..the shortness of breath caught me. I close my eyes while the elevator is going down..I saw the mini van shortly after turning into the drop off area..I loaded my bag behind and all is saying their hellos to me. The door automatically open and I saw JK sits right at the back and to his left, an empty seat. He is the first to get picked up but he is now at the back with empty seat besides him, calling out to me. Is there some trick or excuses up his sleeves that he managed to get his way. " Tae hyung..you cant sit besides Hoseok hyung..the seat is wet. Hoseok hyung accidentally spilled some water." Hoseok hyung said in defence,"Really kookie..your hands is the one slipping and you said its me?" Oh..that was the trick. I am already loving this trip.


"Hey Jin Hyung...let me sit at the back knowing Namjoon Hyung needs more leg space. It will be uncomfortable for him sitting at the back.." I reason with him. "Oh junggukie...how nice of you. So thoughtful...Hyung proud of you." Yes! I got my way so easily..now I have to think how not to get the other Hyungs not to sit beside me knowing Suga hyung likes to be at the back. Oh well..I just need to put my big bag beside me and insists them to sit in front. Being the youngest really the best. Just need to use my aegyo. Soon we have reach at Jimin and Yoongi's residence. "Kookie!!! What is up...Are we ready?" Jimin hyung offer me his handshake and quickly I told them to sit in front knowing Jimin hyung can get carsick during long rides. They obliged. Ok now one last bit..Hoseok hyung. "Hey Jiminie..Yoongi hyung...Jin hyung..oh my kookieeee" Hoseok hyung really do have the brightest smile and the most cheerful. Being around him makes the trip a lot more fun. "I sit beside you kookie...move your bag. Everybody put at the back. Let me help you." I quickly grabbed my bag and said.." Hyung..my bag is my pillow in case I want to sleep. Hyung..sit in front of me..you must be at the centre coz you are our hope..our sun and its easier if we need your TLC if you are seated at the centre." I gave him the cutest Aegyo ever hoping he takes in my silly praises. "Kyeopta..ok fine...im happy to be in the middle..easy for me to offer snacks to from the front to the back. I bought your favourite chips. I take care of you." Hoseok hyung said happily. He must have been so happy that I told him that he is most important. Ohhh yesss...I nailed it. Now the only thing I need to make sure is that my man sit besides me. Just an idea strikes me. "Hoseok hyung..its time to take care of us...got some water..and can u open the cap for me please" Hoseok hyung gladly rummage through the snacks bag that he brings with him and open the cap for me. "My kookie is so lazy nowadays..Lucky you have me" When he about to hand it to me..I loosen my grip and spilled the water all over the seat beside Hoseok hyung. "Aigoooo kookie..we have yet to start our trip and you already make a mess." Hoseok hyung shaking his head while cleaning it up. The rest boo-hooed me. I dont care...Yes..yes..yes..Triple kill. There is 1 seat left besides me as we had to bring down the other 2 seats at the back to make space for our bags and fishing gears. Now the only thing is to wait for my man. Oh there he is...I quickly throw my bag onto the one seated to my left and signalling him to sit besides me. Saw that small nod and smile..the smile that can only melts my heart.

Author P.O.V

They make a couple of pit stop to have their lunch and photo taking. To enjoy the magnificient view that Busan has to offer. The fresh air that they were longing and the peaceful surrounding this city has to offer. For all the time in the van, they secretly hold each other's hands..caressing each other thighs while not looking at each other to minimilize the chances getting caught by Jin who intermittently looking through the rear view mirror while driving. At last, they reached their rented house. It was a clean and spacious house overlooking a green meadow. Such a refreshing air away from the city area. Whenever they have their trip, they would hang out playing games and it always started with the infamous bottle cap game or number maze so as to decide who is sleeping together. JK was praying hard, hoping he gets to be in the same room as Tae so that he could show him a good time.

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