The Reason I Live - Ziall

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Today was the day.

I was going to propose to the love of my life, Niall Horan.

After five years of being together, it was finally the time to prove how much I loved him. It was our three year anniversary, and of course, Niall wanted it to be spent at Nando's. Not the most romantic of places, but it was fine with me. I didn't have to go spend 500 pounds on some other fancy restaurant where the food wasn't as good.

I had rented out the whole restaurant today, just so I could share this moment with him, and only him. The waiters set up the place, making it as romantic as possible, dimming the lights and lighting candles, flooding the room with a warm, delicious light.

I wasn't one for words, and definitely the more shy one out of the both of us. But tonight, I hoped my words would speak for the both of us, that he would be moved completely.

I drove in the car with him in silence. I could feel the giddyness absolutely radiating from him. The silence was the only thing controlling me from breaking out in sweat and chills right there and then. I was so nervous I thought I was going to vomit.

What if he said no? What if he thought I was going too fast?

No, don't think those thoughts. You will have a brilliant night, ending with loads of sex and both of you will be happy.

Yes, think of sex. That always cheers you up, doesn't it?

We pulled up to the restaurant, hand in hand. 

"Zayn, your palms are so sweaty," he giggled, rubbing an assuring hand on my arm. 

The waiter opened the door for us, and Niall gasped.

"W-What? Oh my god Zayn! This is incredible! I can't believe you did this!"

"Happy anniversary, babe," I said sweetly, kissing him.

We danced to our seats, and ordered our usuals. My stomach was fluttering with butterflies. I hesitantly patted the velvet box in my suit jacket, making sure it was still there. 

We continued with our usual conversation, laughing like complete idiots. We were the oddest couple on planet Earth, but we were too compatible for everyone else to handle.

When dessert came, I couldn't contain my nervousness. It was coming out like a gushing river.

"You're so cute when you're nervous," Niall giggled again. "What's going on?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, and began:

"Niall, I love you more than anything else in the world. My day starts with you, taking away the grogginess of my sleep and filling me with love. You are the reason I live each and every day. You are my everything. There isn't another person in the whole world who could ever make me as happy as you do. I don't know what I'd do without you, and I sure as hell don't want to know. You make me the happiest man alive, and it's just not enough to call you my boyfriend."

I got up from my seat now, and his gaze turned from loving, to positively elated and loving. I walked over to his side of the table and kneeled on one leg.

"So now, there's only one thing I'd like to ask you, to change your name from my boyfriend, to something else."

I took another deep breath, getting lost in his eyes. My nervousness stripped away from me. I took out the velvet box and opened my mouth to ask the question I had wanted to ask for several years.

"Niall James Horan, will you marry me?" I opened the box to reveal two gold wedding bands, one for each of us. 

He got up from his seat and pounced on me, engulfing me in a hug and making us both fall on the floor.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, YES, ZAYN!"

He helped me up and kissed me full on the mouth. I picked him up and twirled him around, not once breaking the kiss.

It was the best day of my whole life... so far.

The wedding bells are ringing already.

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