Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Sometimes life can seem really boring and dull, but sometimes somebody else can show you how fun it can be. This was a lesson that a person very important to me taught me, but we'll get to that later.

My name is Jake, and I was originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. It was all going really great. I was making good grades, I had great friends, it was going perfectly. Unfortunately, good things can't last forever.
      My dad got a new job in Augusta, Maine, and we had to move there. I was forced to say goodbye to the people I have known my whole life. It was really hard and heartbreaking. But unfortunately, I couldn't do anything about it.
After being in the hot car for what seemed like forever, I was finally at my new house. Actually, the house was pretty nice. It was made of bricks, and it was two stories high with beautiful windows on the first and second floor.
When I actually went inside the house, it was actually better than it was on the outside. There was a huge living room, and a few rooms on the bottom floor. And on the top floor, there were even more rooms than there were on the first floor.
You are probably wondering how my parents could afford this big house. Well, it is because my dad got promoted to a higher rank in his job a few months ago, so we got more money. Which I am pretty happy about.
      Anyway, my house was empty, because everything we had was still in boxes. That was alright, I guess. I wish I could play my PS4, but it was in a box, and I didn't know which one. It sucked, but I had to deal with it.
      Soon, it was time for bed. Thank goodness we got our beds in the house, or I would have to sleep in a very uncomfortable sleeping bag.
      I had to get my rest, since the first day of school was tomorrow. I was scared to think how the other kids would react to me coming to the school. Would they laugh at me? Would they bully me? I was scared about the next day, and who would blame me?
      Sure, I was a pretty handsome guy with brown hair and blue eyes, but some kids can be vicious! I finally figured that I should get some sleep for the day ahead.

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