Chapter 2: New School

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      I woke up the next morning very tired, and nervous. When I thought about what would happen that day, I almost threw up. I had to be strong, and be brave.
I went downstairs, and got some cereal. I was quiet most of the time. Finally, my mom said something.
      "Are you excited for your first day of school?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I guess." I said back.
My dad goes to work early, so it was just me and my mom right now. After breakfast, I brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I put on a shirt of my favorite band (All Time Low is the band I'm talking about). When it was time for me to catch the bus, I gave my mom a hug and went for the bus stop.
Finally, the bus came. When I went onto the bus, I already knew that I would hate the ride. There were kids cussing everywhere! Kids were yelling, the bus smelled like gas, kids were smoking (I'm sure that that's not even legal by the way, what kind of place is this?), it was all just a mess.
      I found an empty seat, and sat down. The whole time on the bus, kids were yelling at the bus driver, and doing all of the other things I said before. I just put in my earbuds, and listened to music. I wanted to drown all of that stuff out.
Eventually, we arrived at the school. The school was called Harlow High School. It was a pretty big building, and kids were surrounding it, talking about god knows what. I walked inside the building, which was a pretty nice place on the inside, and went to the office to get my new class schedule.
      The office was a pretty nice looking place. It had nice bright lights, and posters everywhere. I asked the woman at the front desk for my schedule.
      "Ma'am, can I have my schedule, I'm new here." I asked her.
      "Sure! What's your name?" She asked, kindly.
      "Jake Smith." I answered.
      "Ok then." She said as she looked for my schedule through her files and she gave it to me.
      My first class was science, and the teacher was Mrs. McDonald. I walked into the classroom, which was dull compared to the rest of the building, and everybody was staring at me. The teacher walked up to me. She looked friendly enough.
      "We have a new student today." She said to the class.
      "What is your name?" She asked me.
       I was terrified. I'm a very shy guy, and I was only comfortable with my friends and family. Finally, I decided to speak.
      "My name is Jake Smith." I said, quietly.
      "And where were you from, Jake." The teacher asked.
      I didn't want to do this, but apparently I had no choice.
      "I was from Cincinnati." I answered.
      "That's cool." She said back to me.
      "Who wants to show Jake around the school after class?" She asked the class.
      Almost everyone in the room raised their hand and started shouting. It was probably because they wanted to get out of class, but it still felt good.
      "Ruby, you can show him around, you seem to know the school well." She said to this girl.
      I looked over to see who she was talking to, and she was talking to this pretty girl with blonde hair. She had pretty blue eyes, with a Taylor Swift t-shirt.
"You can pick an empty seat, Jake." The teacher said to me.
      I sat in an empty seat, and the girl (whose name was apparently Ruby) was staring at me, and she was smiling. I hope the tour goes well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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