chapter four

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I realized that my feelings for her was more than the best friends or sister or friends kind of feeling. I liked her more than I ever thought I would like a person. I never bothered with the labels I knew that I was just Samantha. Nothing more nothing less. 

Thing is at the time I was obvilious about how she also liked me back. Because of how I felt about her and because I thought that she would hate me so I kinda avoided her -stupid idea but I did- she surprised me when she just took my arms out of site - we are not allowed to touch- and dragged me to an empty room -of people and cameras- and kissed me.

I was shocked I thought it was a dream or maybe a nightmare because she pulled away just after a second. 

" Ummm… " I said still in a daze. 

" Oh my god…  I… I just did that. She said. She sounded as shocked as me and I thought that she was going to push me and leave me there. But she didn't. 

" Am so sorry sam, please don't hate me I didn't mean to show you my feelings so soon, plus we are in this place where we are not allowed to touch and I just kissed you ohmygodijustkissedyoupl-" 

I cut her off by kissing her. She took a while but she finally kissed back. I pulled back and layed my forehead on hers. And said " I love you too Lory".

Juvy Lovers To Mothers.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang