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Merlin did something stupid. He used magic in front of Arthur. Merlin couldn't bring himself to look into Arthur's face, he knew what he would find. Anger, hurt, betrayal, and a million other emotions all expressed in his eyes.

"A-Arthur..." Merlin stuttered his way through the king's name.

"No Merlin, you don't get to call me that. Get out of my sight, if I ever see you again I will kill you!" Arthur roared. Merlin didn't know what to do. He stared at his king and his friends before turning and running as fast and as far away from Arthur as he could, tears streaming down his face. Gwaine turned to Arthur furious.

"What the hell princess? Merlin saved our lives and you go and banish him!" Gwaine all but shouted, feeling betrayed on Merlin's behalf.

"He used magic Gwaine, he knew the law and he learned it anyway!" Arthur snapped at the roguish knight. Gwaine glares in turn.

"Who cares if it was magic, he saved our lives!" Gwaine growled. Before Arthur could counter, Leon spoke up, ever the mediator.

"Gwaine, Arthur is still your king. Arthur, you need to calm down; yelling won't help the situation. In the morning we will head out for Camelot, we can finish this talk later." begrudgingly Arthur and Gwaine agreed.

Merlin ran all night, his feet carrying him without conscious thought. As he ran he tried to process what had just happened. When he could run no more he sank down onto the nearest tree, crying his heart out till he was numb. The snap of a twig brought Merlin out of his daze. Taliesin stood in front of him. Merlin leaped up to his feet. He didn't know he had run to the Valley of the Fallen Kings, he wondered bitterly if destiny had a hand to play.

"Emrys, I wish we could meet in better circumstances, truly I do. But, your destiny is not yet over." Hope sparked in Merlin's heart at Taliesin's words, but he squashed it down and shook his head.

"Hello Taliesin, I'm glad to see you, but I failed my destiny, Arthur hates me," Merlin whispered, fresh tears welling in his eyes.

"You have not failed yet, there is another part of the prophecy you have not heard. In Albion's most hopeless hour, Emrys is to claim his birthright and rule a kingdom of magic, free from persecution."

"Rule a kingdom, I can barely get one prophecy done and now another one!" Merlin grumbled at his luck.

"You are so much more, I can show you. The crystals call to you, "Taliesin's voice comforting like that of a small child; Merlin hated that tone.

"No, no they bring nothing but misery!" Merlin desperately tried to find a way out of the situation he has found himself in.

Taliesin remained unaffected by Merlin's shouting, "If you do not, magic users will forever be caged," Merlin thought a moment, could he really condemn a whole community because he was unwilling to look into a rock? No, no he couldn't.

"Alright, fine" sighing as Taliesin just smiled before leading the way into the cave.

The crystals seemed to come alive, shining brightly as Merlin came deeper into the cave. They both stopped in the middle where Taliesin gestured to one of the many crystals. Reluctantly, Merlin reached out for a crystal.

Merlin felt his reality shift into the future of a magnificent city that towered over the trees. The vision shifted to children watching a puppet show supported by magic instead of strings, it swirled and Merlin saw magical creatures he didn't even know existed. Again and again, the vision shifted and twisted forming images almost too fast for him to see before it stopped to show himself kneeling before a dais as a glittering gold crown with intricate details, sapphires, and diamonds is placed upon his head. The images stop and Merlin pulls back to reality once more.

Merlin stumbles back before regaining his balance. He took a moment more to organize his thoughts.

"You are more than a peasant, your father was a noble descended from the fisher king, making you the only living heir." Taliesin stared at Merlin, eyes seemingly gazing into his soul as he spoke.

"Wouldn't I have an illegitimate claim though, my parents never wed?" curious about his father's heritage.

"Your parents unknowingly performed a ritual wherein the kingdom of Emlet is considered wed. You were born in wedlock, therefore have a legitimate claim to the throne. The land will answer to no one but an Ambrosius." Merlin stood gawking, he didn't know how many more surprises he could take.

"Rest and in the morning your guide should be here." with Taliesin's final words he faded as if he were never there.

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