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Rosalie waltzed into the apartment she shared with her best friend Penelope Carver- better known as Penny- with what she’d describe as a shit-eating grin on her face. It had been a while since the woman had actually approached anyone, anywhere. Due to the woman’s unwavering focus on her studies, it had almost been an entire year since she’d tried to put the ‘moves’ on anyone. Though that conversation with Arabella was cringe-worthy, if I do say so myself, Rosalie thought to herself. The dirty blonde’s game had definitely suffered in her year of being celibate. But in the end she’d managed to snag the woman’s number so her efforts hadn’t been futile.

“You seem… chipper,” Penny’s voice came from behind her. Perhaps she’d been a little too happy about kind of hitting it off with the woman, but she couldn’t really help herself.

“I’m not,” Rose defended feebly putting the vegemite container back on the shelf. She spun around to face her red headed friend with her sandwich hanging out of her mouth. Penelope had her arms crossed across her body and fixed Rosalie with a glare the blonde had only ever seen on her mother. Rose loved Penny; the two of them had been there for each other back when they lived in their little hometown. Both girls had always wanted to escape the confines of the suffocatingly small town and they bonded on this fact their first day of primary school. Their friendship only grew stronger from that point on.

Penny laughed and lifted herself onto the counter top. “You’re such a crap liar, Rosie.” And it was painfully true. Many people were graced with the gift to be able to lie effortlessly; Rosalie was not one of those people.

“I’ve never lied to you,” Rosalie replied in mock indignation, only partially annoyed because she knew Penelope was right. Rose had shyly realised she was gay at the age of 14, a week later the whole town knew, all because Rosalie was horrible at lying about anything.  But her mother had always said it was an admirable quality (even though Rosalie didn’t understand how) so she’d taken it in stride, accepting -only slightly annoyed- that she was and always would be a bad liar.

“Successfully,” Penny added on. Noticing her friends confused gaze Penny elaborated, “You’ve never lied to me successfully.”

Rose was in such a good mood that she just lightly chuckled at her friends teasing. Penny gaped like a fish out of water at her friend’s lack of response. Normally the two of them bantered like two teenage girls forced to share the same room.

“Who is she?” the redhead asked impulsively, Rosalie was acting way too strange for her liking and she had no idea why. Penelope was determined to get to the bottom of this. Rosalie rolled her eyes at her best friend’s inquisition and moved to the fridge to get bottled water.

“Why do you always assume when I come home happy I’ve met someone?” Rosalie questioned back with a smile on her face. It was an irritating generalization to Rosalie, presuming that the only time a woman was happy was when she’d met a man, or a woman. But tonight she couldn’t find it in herself to lecture Penny on the fact that she was an independent-woman-who-definitely-didn’t-need-no-man (or woman) to make her happy.

Penny grinned at the look at Rosalie’s face, “So, what was her name?”

 “Arabella,” Rosalie sighed dreamily, though she was completely unaware why she was doing so. She wasn’t sure if she’d been hitting on the woman properly, in fact she wasn’t even sure if the woman had been gay. But one thing Rosalie did know for sure was she was beyond beautiful. “My god, you should have seen her.”

Rosalie fanned herself with her hand jokingly, though her cheeks were flaming, it wasn’t like her to be so taken with a woman after just one meeting.

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