~ A Report ~

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Owen glanced at the papers in front of him, photos of girls with bruises on their veins and boys with half sunken in eyes. They all had something in common though, they were all dead. His index finger traced the photos showing the blackened veins, something no one could figure out.

The drug making its rounds was making its victims blood turn to tar essentially. It stopped in its tracts, making the users heart stop completely as well as other things, stroke, seizures, almost anything that could happen would happen. It was somehow finding its way into the high school, the team had been here for over a year and had yet to make much of a break through.

They did luck out in getting some of the students removed, as well as one of the more horrific student traditions ended. But teenagers were still taking the drug in the middle of the day, some shooting it up into their veins in the bathrooms and some simply taking pills in broad daylight. Bodies were being found on the grounds, one found in a janitors closet just last week.

"What do we do Owen?" Sean asked him, rubbing his eyes from exhaustion.

Owen himself was utterly exhausted. He had been up most nights, trying to get some sort of lead on who was selling the drugs. They thought they had gotten all of the bad students out, Rocky and his thug friends all being removed within the first two months of them being at the school. He was also worried about the boys living situation, particularly Victor. He was turning eighteen in less than three months, and his father was ramping everything up.

His family was still pissed about him being in a public school, and the fact he wasn't seen with anyone still made them mad. His father had came home two days ago drunk and bellowing for Victor, if it hadn't been for their cameras they never would've gotten him out on time.

Owens eyes flickered to where he sat, his eyes dimmed and exhausted. He'd have to mention something to Sean, who he himself could also get a few extra hours of sleep. Maybe that's what they'll do this weekend, sleep.

"I'm not sure Sean, I'm truly not sure." He answered him after too long of a silence, taking his glasses from his face as he uncharacteristically rubbed his eyes. He placed them back onto the bridge of his nose just as the door opened, his team walking in quickly before shutting and locking the door behind them.

Kota Lee sat closest to Owen on his right, Nathan and Victor following them. Luke sat while Gabriel rounded the corner and sat directly across from Owen. North and Silas took up more than a single space, Sean directly on his right. All of their eyes were trained on the photos on the table, a picking them up to try and look closer to the details. Hoping that something new would jump out them.

"Have any of you heard anything new since the last meeting?" Owen kicked off the meeting, his eyes glancing around.

"Same old same old, someone random in the bathroom on the second floor. Never the same time, never the same day." Victor answered him, sighing as he leaned back.

"Nothing is being spoken about in the football locker room, besides steroids. Rocky's been buying them and passing them around, pretty sure his dads the one that's supplying them." North snorted as Silas spoke, shaking his head. Even though he wasn't on the team or in the school anymore, he still found a way to insert himself back into everything and causing a big mess.

"Everyone on that goddamn team is so hopped up on 'roids that they don't even do drug testing anymore. No one would pass, the coach included." Owen nodded, his eyes calculating as he stared down at the photos once again.

"And the camera we set up facing the bathroom door?" Victor shook his head as he pulled his laptop out, opening it and turning to Owen. A black blur was seen going into the opening of the bathroom, and when Victor clicked the next button it was shown leaving the bathroom.

"Nothing, just a black blur. I don't know how it was done, but they somehow figured out how to evade the cameras." He answered him, Owen leaning forward to stare at the photo.

"What the–" A knock sounded on the door, interrupting Owens uncharacteristic proclamation as everyone's eyes went to the door.

Gabriel stood up first, opening the door and effectively blocking the view from the rest of the bunch. "Sorry, I'm looking for a councilor to help me with my schedule."

Her voice elicited something within Owen, a stirring in his heart that cause his palm to cover it unwittingly. His eyebrows furrowed, confusion coursing through him as his finger stroked his chest.

"Holy shit, your hair is gorgeous."

Gabriel finally moved to the side long enough for Owen to catch a glimpse of her; and in that moment, that single moment within history, he felt his heart unfreeze and begin beating again.

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