Part 6

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Then I noticed a red band stretched on my door handle. I grabbed the band and removed it carefully, making sure to not hit the inside of the door. I threw the band in the middle of Mary's and my stairs.
I opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me, I went to go see if Sophia was in her room. As I walked I noticed the house was really messy, well more messy than usual. I brushed it off not giving it any other thought. I got to Sophia's door and knocked.
"Sophia? It's me Samuel can I come in?" I asked putting my hand on the door knob.


I didn't get a response so I thought she might be asleep. I knocked again, harder this time, seeing if I could wake her up.
"Sophia? Hey wake up c'mon we gotta eat lunch! You can help me cook if you want." I tried to bribe her awake but she wasn't answering. Ok now I was starting to worry... this isn't like Sophia she always answers the door and she's a pretty light sleeper. My brain started to come up with millions of terrible thoughts as I knocked harder desperate for Sophia to answer.
I know I was probably over reacting but something told me she just wasn't ok. I took a deep breath in trying to calm my nerves and recollect my thoughts. I opened Sophia's door and my eyes widened at the sight before me. Sophia's room was a mess, her covers were on the ground and flipped on the bed, some toys were spilling out of her closet as well. It was like a someone came in and messed the whole place up-
Then I remembered the conversation I overheard about the burglar and the red band in my door.
       "shit." I mumbled to myself. I started to search frantically in her room calling for her. I rushed out of her room and started searching the whole house.
     " SOPHIA?!?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I frantically called. My chest was starting to hurt and my head felt dizzy. I felt like I was gonna get a heart attack. I tried my best to ignore the pain and keep searching. I turned around towards the kitchen and glanced at the door, I stopped dead in my tracks and stared. The inside of the door was fried...
       "What the fuck... WHY THE HELL IS THE DOOR FRIED?!?!" My voice cracked as I scrambled to the door. I inspected the fried lock careful not to burn my hands on the hot metal.
       "Wait... t-the door.. it was.." I stuttered as I remembered that I didn't need to unlock the door to get inside the house. I know I had locked it when I left... I know I did! " The door...! It was unlocked!"
        I started to have a panic attack as the pain in my chest grew stronger. I thought where Sophia could be hiding. In the pantry? Under the couch? No no.. I had checked all those places.. then I remembered about the safe room. I quickly stood up and grabbed my keys. I ran into the bathroom and slid the shower curtain to the side, almost breaking it. I fiddled with my keys and put them into a very small lock on the side of the tub, my hands shaking from the panic attack I was having and from the cold tub practically freezing my arms. Everything was cold in that moment. I flew the door open and a wave of relief flew over me.
      It was Sophia. She was curled into a tight ball, clutching onto her doll for dear life. She was silently crying rocking herself back and forth. She looked up at me, her Hazel nut and yellow eyes glowed in the dark room.
"SAMUEL!" She cried as she crawled out of the room and threw herself into my arms. I caught her and clutched her tightly to my chest. We both cried as we held onto each other like if we let go even for a second, we would instantly disappear.
After what felt like hours I pulled away and held her head in my hands.
" Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why didn't you come when I called you?!??" I frantically asked while checking her for any sign of injury.
"I-I'm fine Samuel... " she stuttered out trying to talk while still crying." I- I didn't go out be-because you said to never leave even if you we-we-were calling..!" Oh right I did say that. Whatever I'm glad she's okay..
     "Heh.." I laughed at how stupid I was and pulled Sophia back into another hug never wanting to let go again...

         I'm not leaving her by herself ever again.... I'll keep her safe and have her stay by my side forever...

with me she'll be forever safe.

818 words!! That's the longest chapter I've ever made!! Anyway that last part is up for you to interpret for now. I'm going to make another book continuing from this exact chapter so look out for that! I have many plans for this story and I hope I can put them all in without it being terrible ;n;
Anyways... see you all in the next chapter!! Minks out (/ )/ ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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