Alone and Sad pt2.

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Red:I'm getting put up for adoption... My mom thinks I'm a failure...

Aizawa:That still doesn't explain why you called me dad

Red:You were the closest thing to one i ever had*hugs Aizawa again still sobbing*

Aizawa:How would you like a loud ass dad?


Aizawa:And a brother who is dating your childhood friend?

Red:*half crying*i-im not following!

Mic:How about... We adopt you? You DID call Shota dad and Shinso bubby.

Red:*sniffles*R-Really? But who would want a 6 quirked failure?

Mic:If you're such a disappointment, then why would you be at UA?

Red:*begins tearing up again*My mom... I didn't even take the entrance exam...*starts crying*I feel like i cheated!

Aizawa:Were you born this way?

Red:*can't answer because she's choking on her own saliva*

Shinso:*whispers to Aizawa*Pet her hair. It calms her down.

Aizawa:*slowly pets Red's soft hair*it'll be ok... I promise...

Red:*falls asleep from exhaustion*

Shinso:I got her.*picks Red up* lets go home.

Mic:Is... Is she gonna be ok?


Ring ring

Aizawa:It's Tenya... Why would he call me?

(On phone)


Iida:Hey sensei. We found out Red's downfall to her quirk.

Aizawa:Ok? So what?

Iida:If she's under too much pressure she'll pass out and not able to use her quirks properly. She may be a bit stupid for awhile, kinda like Denki.

(Denki in back:HEEEY!)

Aizawa:So that explains what just happened.


Aizawa:She'll tell you later. Bye.


(Off the phone and at The Aizawa House)


Mic:So... Thats her downfall? She passes out? And becomes stupid?

Aizawa:Apparently. But lets tell her when she wakes up.

Mic:Alright. Hey. I'm going to bed. Anyone else?

Aizawa:Sure. I'm always down for sleeping. You got her Shinso?

Shinso:Yeah. If she wakes up i'll take her to her dorms to make sure she knows the place.

Aizawa:Ok night Shin.

Shinso:K' night.... Love you.

Aizawa:*smiles softly*We love you too.

(Aizawa and Mic in bedroom)

Mic:*whisper*He said 'I Love You'

Aizawa:He did... Holy crap... We get him a sister and he loves us!

Mic:I'm so happy!*hugs Aizawa*

Aizawa:Ok. Calm down. Go to sleep.

Mic:That's gotta be a parenting goal!*pecks Aizawa on the lips before laying down*

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