The Plan part 2

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3 Days later

Monique Estate

"My lady, Sir Allende's is here to see you." a maid said.

Aristia greeted Allende's and led him to the lounge.

Allende's Pov

Her guards up again. Looks like I really need to make her get use to me. I smiled and said," good news Aristia. I told my father about the tax policy that you thought off. He was very please." Still cold, I then added. "Don't worry I didn't say that it was you." (Smile) This isn't going well. Just then her father came into the room.

"Tia," he said. She looked at him with a blank expression. He then added, "have you done your homework?"

"No, I haven't yet." Aristia said while she was thinking, 'you wouldn't understand.'

She's failing her lesson's on purpose, but if she keeps this up, she might not have a face to show in the future. (smirk) "I can help her with her lessons." This is the perfect excuse to spend time with her. They both look at me with a question look.

"I don't know," the marques said.

"I believe I'm more then qualified to help her. As you might had heard." My reputation is pretty well known. He won't say no.

"Very well, I'll allow it.' He said.

"Perfect!" I clap my hands together and added," we can start right now with that homework."

"I'll leave you to it then," he then left.

I look at her, she seems reluctant. "Hey, I know you don't really need help, but you have to at least pass." Her eyes showed resentment.

"I don't want to be the empress or the queen. I had enough of this. I don't want it," she whispers. I then got up and kneel in front of her and touch her cheek. "I'll help you, but you can't do it this way okay."

"Then what will I do?" Her eyes are showing sadness now. Asking her to trust me maybe too much. "Don't worry I'll help you." 

A few days later

At the Palace

"So, how's lady Aristia doing on her studies now?" Duke Verita ask

"She's doing a lot better now thanks to your son.," Aristia's father said.

"Allende's tells me that she has been having a hard time understanding her lessons recently. "Duke Verita said while he was thinking, 'there something at mix here. Why would Allende's help her?

"Maybe it's because of her workload. You should lessen it a bit. "Duke Rass said.

"If she can't handle the sudden increase in her homework. What more couldn't she handle. If she becomes the empress." They all turned to a blue hair prince.

"His highness is right. If my daughter can't handle this. What more is the job of being the empress."

The prince didn't show it, but it made him happy that Aristia was failing.


Allende's and Aristia were in town in disguise. Aristia wanted to go out to the public training ground, but Lina wouldn't allow it. She only permitted it when Allende's volunteered to watch over her.

Allende's Pov

She's really good at sword fighting. Just like me she can't even talk to her own family.

"Hey! Boy why don't you join us." A brown man with huge muscles said. I then answered," why would I do that?"

"Come on now don't be like that." Aristia said as she walked over to me and whispered, "if you want to be my husband you should know how to fight. In order to inherit my family name."

Aristia then started teaching me the basics. After they were done for the day while in the carriage ride back to the estate. Aristia thought while looking at Allende's who had his face rested on his fist sleeping.

'Since his technically my fiancé now I should support him in anyway that I can. We can't go outside every day that would be fishy. First thing he needs to learn is body position and the proper stands. Stamina is important too I need to take charge of his diet and put some muscles in to that body of his. I also need to teach him French or may be Latin. The languages in this world are different from the once on earth. I'll teach him starting tomorrow, so no one can read what we're writing about.

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