The Plan part 3

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Allende's Pov

Aristia is at her table studying while I am at the couch. I have been trying to understand this code that she gave me. There are 3 codes that she wrote down, she called the first one French, the second one Latin, and the last one mars code. She told me to burn the translation keys when I am done with them.

The French code can be written and spoken. When she first taught it to me, I thought it wasn't very reliable, but as time went on. I realized that it was a whole other language. It has two different structure categories high and low. Sentences can be miss leading, if you don't know the differences between the two.

Latin on the other hand is based on roots and meanings. You take a root word and put them together to make a whole new one. There are countless combinations for this code. Although it looks like alphabets of French code its quite different.

Finally, there is mars code, translating once and zeros. This can be used to hied a message in plain sight. Like the bookcase, the space with the books would be 1 and the empty space without the books would be zero. I can also use sound to convey the message like tapping my finger on a surface low sounds would be one and high sounds would be zero. The same goes for drawing thin and thick lines or short and long lines on paper. I look at her and thought that she must be really desperate, but desperate is not the word for these complicated codes. If one does get compromised, we can still use 2 more which are even more difficult.

I didn't notice her get up to make tea until she got back from the kitchen with tea and snacks. She poured me lemon bum tea and offered me a fruit cake. Her tea is really good.

(The once on bracket are in French.)

("How are you doing on the codes to day Allende's,") Aristia ask.

I put down the tea and look at her, ("I'm doing good. I'm just about to burn the last of the Latin and the Mars code keys.")

I then added, (" you really work hard on this didn't you.")

("You can't hand this knowledge to anyone, okay.")

"Yes, I understand my lady." You always seem to amaze me. How could you come up with not just one, but 3 complicated codes?

("Allende's, father won't be home till late today. Why don't you stay for dinner?")


She sips the tea and said," you learn quite quickly don't you."

"Would you have me any other way."

Dinner time

This place is so pleasant, much better than my house. I look at the table it really balances the food in terms of nutrients. She has been bringing food to my house too. She's been making up excuses every time she comes over. She even makes me tea every time she's there. The shock of my mother and those maids. When Aristia offered to make me tea for the first time as a way to thank you. Of course, I couldn't spit it out. However, the tea was good, way better than the once my maids make. After dinner we had leap tea before I went home. Aristia and I are going to the training ground tomorrow. Even I can tell that she's already mastered the sword. They all say she's been going here for at least 3 years. Yet she's that good already. Ah! My house is in sight again. This must be how Aristia felt coming back to her house that day I found her. Only the servants greeted me.

"Sir. Allende's dinner."

"I already had one." I said as I went upstairs. This house feels so in closed unlike hers. At least every time I go there. She always greets me unlike this place. I walk inside my room. Now that I think about it. Aristia's been the one to make me snacks, tea and even the food is already prepared in advance for me when I go there. She already knows my preferences (smirk). "Well what a wife I will have." She always greets me with a smile that she doesn't even give her own father. When we were talking earlier her eyes were full of care and emotion. Have I already broken through? I guest, I'll just have to wait and see tomorrow.


"Aristia, I'm here to pick you up, let's go." I said as I stop when I saw her father talking to her.

"What? The emperor wants to see me today." Aristia said.

"Is there a problem Tia?" Her father asks.

"No, father I'm already to go." She looked at me sadly, but then it went back to her stone face in a snap.

I then said, "it's alright we can always go next time." Her father was staring at us.

She then said, "we'll go next Friday."

"No, it's alright I'll go by myself this time. Besides I already know the people there, I'll be fine."

"Oh!" She said as she looks down on the floor. She then raises her head and added," wait. Lina get the picnic basket."

"Yes, my lady.' She then took it from the maids and gave it to me.

"Here make sure to eat plenty alright." Her face is a blank canvas again. I then left for the training ground.

At the Training Ground

"Well now. What do we have here? Where's your girlfriend kid?" The muscle mad ask.

"She couldn't make it." I said while I put the basket down and wore my training gloves. I practice and stop to take a brake at lunch time. I stared at my stake and potato with broccoli. As I thought I wander how she's doing. She must be having tea with their majesties. To that note how does she look at the prince?

Meanwhile in the palace

Aristia's Pov

"Is something wrong my child?"

''No, of course not your majesty." I smile as I said, but of course there something wrong. Off all the places to have tea. Why here in your stupid garden were my mother was stab.

"Has the Chancellor's son been good to you?" I turn on my stone face again and added, "yes your majesty. His been very helpful in my studies. I'll do my best in order to bring glory to the empire." I felt a stare on my back, I could tell it was the prince.

"Lady Aristia, would you come over more often. I'm sure my son would love to spend some time with you."

I smiled and said, "we'll do your majesty."

This is really troublesome I rather be with Allende's then your son. In the novel Aristia would come to the palace and be ignored by the prince. She couldn't take a hint. He didn't want to see her. I then sip my tea. I need to fine evidence here.

In the novel Duke Zena was said to be the one behind the assassination attempt on Aristia. When she was 6 years old which lead to the death of her, my mother. I had the misfortune of having witness it firsthand. He couldn't stand a Marquess being treated better than a duke. In his mind people should stay at their status nothing more nothing less. When the blessed child arrived Duke, Zena tarnish my families name. By saying Aristia was nothing more than a charlatan. That should never had been empress much less the queen, but he was right on one thing though. If it wasn't for the miss interpretation of the temple Aristia and I wouldn't had or have to go through all of this. It's going to be hard to convict him. He lost his title years ago for reasons unknown, but despite that this emperor still treats him as a duke. It's possible that he may have been the one who frame father in the novel. I won't let it get to that. I just have to delay the engagement until I'm 16.

Authors note: Sorry for taking so long to update. I've been working on another story. If you what you can cheek that out. Its titled: Who Made Me a Princess (Its My Turn)

It's about the original Athanasia from The Lovely Princess

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It's about the original Athanasia from The Lovely Princess. I highly recommend cheeking it out. See you next update.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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