"Love A Car Ride With You" : Part 6

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 Ava is talking to her mom Diana (Wonder Woman) on the phone. "Oh baby it's good to finally here your voice & that you're doing well over there, it's been so long. But I understand you're a very busy girl", Diana said happily. "I know mom I miss you & Dad (Kal/Clark Kent) too", I reply. "You know your Aunt (Wonder Girl) has been telling us you been hanging out with a certain Detective, your dad actually research him up, he used to be a mix martial artist fighter, but changed it & got into law enforcement instead. In fact Bruce's kid Dick was the one that was training him for that. He also (Internet famous) they call him (Officer Thirst Trap), that whole thing right there weary your dad a bit, but I thought it was pretty funny", Diana said. "Oh wow mom you too, it's something barely new to me, he's a really kind guy", I told her. "Alright baby just as long as he makes you happy that's all it matters, anyways I gotta go we're having the Currys over (Aquaman/Mera) over in a bit outta go, talk to you soon babe", Diana said back. "Okay mom bye", I said putting my phone down. "You had to tell mom about my so called love life", I said to my Aunt Donna Troy feeling irritated now. "Hey she has to know who her future son in law is", Donna said teasingly. "Plus it's serious now since you two kiss", Vanessa said smiling. Then Lucas call afterwards. "Oh speaking of which", Donna still teased. I answer it, "Oh hi Lucas", I said. "Ava how are you ? I've been thinking about you, are still free tonight. I will like to take you out for a car ride. I know you been here for months, but I know you haven't been to the outter skirts of the town before, I was wondering if you're up for it ?", he politely asked me. " Yes sure I'm up for it, I will love to take a car ride with you", I said smiling, Also Vanessa & Donna were smiling too. "Great, I will pick you up at 6:30pm', he said happy too. "Sounds good I can't wait", I said. I hung up my phone, then my aunt & Vanessa were screaming excitedly for enjoy for me.

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