Chapter 3

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"Do you like him momma, I like him, he's nice, and his birdie is fancy with its little tie." Angel asked looking at the door still.

"Yeah, I do, kiddo, I really do." I smiled and signed his permission form before getting him in the bath and into bed.


///Your POV///

We were rushing out the door this morning, I overslept causing me and Angel to have to rush around the house to get ready for the day, I quickly buttered a piece of toast and shoved it in Angel's hand so he could eat as I picked him up and ran towards our Bull so I could get him to school on time. I already knew I would be late for work.

I had gotten Angel into the school as soon as the warning bell went, I gave him a hug and kiss before leaving to get to work.

I ran all the way to dock 1, when I got there an angry Paulie was standing and waiting for me at the gate, a glare on his face.

"Where the hell have been?! You know what time it is right now?!" Paulie yelled at me.

"Sorry Paulie, I overslept this morning then I had to get Angel to school before it started. I came here as soon as I could!" I explained, but I realized that it all just sounded like excuses.

"Dammit Y/n that's the third time this month, that kid is too much trouble for you, I know you love him and all, but he's just too much to handle for a single mother, and it doesn't help his father is a pirate, you're lucky that your brother is the Mayor and the President of Galley-La or else you wouldn't have a job right now to be able to even support yourself. This is gonna sound really harsh but I only thinks it's in your best interest that you put him up for adoption on another island." Paulie said, my face and jaw dropped, I could feel all the blood in my body go to my face in red rage.

"How dare you!" I yelled out in anger, Paulie was supposed to be my best friend, how could he just say something like that.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but it's true." Paulie frowned.

"No! You don't get to say that to me! I thought you liked Angel?!" I cried, tears now going down my face at what my friend is telling me. By now most of Galley-La was staring at us along with some pedestrians that were walking by.

From over Paulie's shoulder I could see Lucci looking at us, his head cocked to the side almost asking me what was going on.

"Y/n, I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but, they are making cuts to employees and their wages, a lot of the men voted you to be on that list. And I don't think being Iceburg's sister is going to help you this time." Paulie's face read pitty all over it.

"I d-don't have time for th-this Paulie, I-I gotta get to w-work now." I stuttered out almost on the verge of tears, I quickly walked past him and went to the locker room not seeing or hearing someone following me.

"Y/n?" The shrill voice of Hattori spoke up behind me startling me making me jump in fright, I quickly wiped my face off of tears then faced the handsome man and his bird.

"Oh Lucci, I-I didn't see you th-there." I stuttered.

"Are you alright?" This time it was Lucci who spoke, but it was very softly so that no one but me could hear him.

"In all honesty... no, I'm not. I might lose my job here by the end of the month, so next Thursday." I cried looking down and wiping more tears off of my face, when I felt a rough hand gently grab me by the chin and tilted my face up to look at him.

"Lu...cci?" My voice was broken as I looked at the gorgeous man in front of me, meer inches away from my own face.

"Why do you say that?" He asked using his thumb to wipe away a tear.

"Paulie said so, it probably has to do with the fact that I have a child with a pirate. No doubt about it." I said, "He told me I should give up Angel."

Lucci's eyes went wide.

"He's probably right though Angel would have a much better life on another island where they don't know anything about him." I said more tears coming down my face.

"That, boy is very happy with you Y/n, yes it may be hard now, but you'll get through it, I know you will." Lucci told me, this wasn't like him at all, but I wasn't complaining.

"Thank you Lucci, that makes me feel a lot better about this whole situation." I said wiping my own tears this time.

"If you ever need help with anything at all, don't be afraid to talk to me, I've grown a liking to that boy of yours in just that little bit of time." Lucci said standing up, pulling me with him.

"We should probably get started on our work, God only knows Paulie is having a hay day with us not out there."

"That, and the fact that your son's class is coming to see the dock today."

"Oh shoot! You're totally right!" I quickly wiped my face clean with the towel around my neck, then we both headed back outside and to our stations to work before the kids from Angel's school came.

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