Chapter 5

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"C'mon, lets go get you washed up." Lucci helped me up, he kept one arm around my back the whole walk to the locker room, sending glare to anyone who looked at me wrong.

I didn't catch the looks Kaku and Lucci shared, I just kept my head down and continued walking.


///Lucci's POV///

I held Y/n in my arms as she cried. I was starting to see how things really were for her and I wasn't liking it. She had fallen in love with a pirate and had a child with him, he assumed she knew the backlash she was going to get from her decision but not to this extent.

"C'mon, let go get you washed up." I helped her up, keeping one of my arms around her body, I sent glares to any of the men who even looked at her in a different way.

Till I met the eyes of Kaku, he gave me a knowing look that practically screamed "Don't get attached", but it might have been too late, I already liked her, she was a great mother, and a beautiful woman, what man in their right mind wouldn't fall for her.

I lowered my eyes to the ground and continued walking with Y/n away from the prying eyes.

Once we were inside I sat Y/n down on the bench in front of her locker, and turned her to face me.

"Are you okay? I didn't know the hate was this bad." I spoke gently. She just shook her head, tears were still running down her face. I looked around for a quick second before grabbing a clean rag off the top of the pile of hand rags. I brought it to her face and wiped it clean.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you and your boy. Iceberg wont do anything to help?" I questioned. Isn't he her elder brother, isn't family supposed to have your back no matter what?

"He told me I've made my bed, now I must lie in it." She said. That sent a frown to my face.

"I'm sorry to hear that Y/n. After today's shift is over why don't you and Angel come over to mine for the night, we can have dinner. I have a guest room that's not being used." I suggested taking her face in my huge hands.

"Oh no we couldn't do that." She refused. She had stopped crying now as well.

"Just for the night."


I began to lean into her face a little bit, she was leaning in as well. We were about an inch away from each other, our lips were almost touching.

"Hey you two, the kids are about to leave. Come say goodbye with everyone." Paulie called from the doorway, snapping Y/n out of it.

"Okay, coming Paulie!" Y/n stood up, "c'mon Lucci."

"I'll be out in a second." I quietly said but she must have still heard me because she nodded her head before leaving the locker room.

"Stupid." Hattori mocked, pecking on my head.

"Stop that!" I shooed him away and stood up.

"You have a job to do, don't get close to her." He said, flying around my head still pecking at it.

"You don't think I know that! But she is Iceberg's sister, and she worked with the shipwright Tom, she may know where the blueprints are at. She could be useful in our plan." Of course I didn't want it to come down to the fact that we might have to use her to bait out Iceberg. I don't want her to get involved in what we are doing, but if it comes down to it, I will be the one to hurt her, not the others.

I walked out of the locker room, and over to where everyone was at saying bye to the kids, and I see off to the side, some of the kids whose dads are shipwrights, hugging their parents and Angel was no acception, he was hugging his mother's legs, and telling her he loved her when I walked over to them.

"I love you too baby boy, you be good now, you hear." Y/n told him, squatting down so she could kiss his head.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded before running off back to his class which was leaving now.

Once the kids left with their teachers all the shipwrights got back to work, back to their workplaces. I followed Y/n back to the wood cutting station, she got right back into sawing a wooden plank. I grabbed a couple that were already done and proceeded to take them to where the ship was at we were currently working on.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was nearing the end of the work day, and a lot of men who had children had already gone home. It puzzled me why Y/n never left when they did everyday, but after hearing about how she lives paycheque to paycheque, I can see now, why she stays late like the rest of us.

"Alright men! That's it for the day, pack up and go home!" Paulie yelled, signalling the end of the day. We all got cleaned up, and put the tools and supplies away before heading to the locker room to gather our stuff and leave.

I walked in and grabbed my coat before leaving, spotting Y/n just outside the door, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her, looking her over, she had her bag slung over her shoulder and head, and a few dirt smudges on her nose and cheek making her look absolutely adorable.

"Mhmm, just gotta grab Angel from daycare at the school, then we can go." Her smile was contagious because I could feel myself smiling a bit at the way she was acting.

We began to walk down the street to the school, people would stop and stare at the two of us, but Y/n paid them no mind, she must have been used to it by now, me on the other hand was not, I was used to being on the side lines gathering intel, not the topic of conversation.

When we reached the school, Y/n walked up to the little white gate and stepped into the courtyard where some children were playing.

"Angel c'mon hunny, time to go home!" She called out to her child. He was not easily missed with his bright red hair. He grabbed his backpack and walked towards his mother, a smile on his face, there were still a few scratches and bruises from yesterday littering his tiny arms, legs, and face, but they didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Mommy? Why is Mr. Lucci and his birdie here?" Angel asked as the two of them walked over to me.

"Oh, um, we're having a sleepover at his tonight." Y/n stuttered out, Angel's eyes went wide, and an even wider smile appeared on his face.

"Whoa really?! A sleepover!?"

"Yes, so you need to be extra good since this isn't our home where you leave your things lying around the house." Y/n said strictly.

"Yes ma'am." Angel nodded vigorously.

"Alright, I think we are all ready now." Y/n stood up straighter, her hand clutching her son's as she looked at me. I nodded and led the way to my place.

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