Chapter 6

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"Whoa really?! A sleepover!?"

"Yes, so you need to be extra good since this isn't our home where you leave your things lying around the house." Y/n said strictly.

"Yes ma'am." Angel nodded vigorously.

"Alright, I think we are all ready now." Y/n stood up straighter, her hand clutching her son's as she looked at me. I nodded and led the way to my place.


///No One's POV///

Y/n followed Lucci all the way to his house, he allowed her to send her bull home first though, so that it wouldn't get stolen or get a parking ticket on it for overnight parking that she wouldn't be able to pay.

Y/n was a bit nervous on their way to his place. She hasn't been anywhere with a man since Shanks, not that anyone wanted to be seen with her in the first place, this was all so new to her again. After she had Angel, dating was never going to be an option. Sure Y/n talked to some people, but that was all.

As they walked up to Lucci's house, Hattori flew about their heads before landing on top of Angel's red haired head, making the little boy giggle and reach up for the pigeon to sit in his hands. Hattori cooed before hopping down into his tiny hands, Angel brought the white bird carefully to his chest holding him close.

"It seems those two like each other." Lucci chuckled to himself as he unlocked the front door letting Angel run in with Hattori ahead of us.

"Angel adores all animals, cats being his favourite." Y/n smiled as she watched her son sit on the ground in front of a couch just hugging the bird closely to him.

"Interesting." Lucci smirked slightly, but she didn't catched it. "So is it like all cats or just domestic ones?" Lucci caught the glare Hattori sent him telling him to shut up.

"No, no, he loves all cats, "the bigger the better" as he would say." Y/n giggled as she watched her son lovingly.

Lucci stepped back away from Y/n, behind her a few steps, away from her sight, Hattori shaking his head no repeatedly to his master.

Slowly Lucci began to transform, his form growing in size, his white tanktop ripping was what got Y/n's attention, she turned her head, eyes going wide as the man in front of her was slowly turning into a big cat, a leopard to be exact.

"...Lucci... y-you're a devil fruit user?" Y/n stuttered, not from fear, but shock.

"Does that scare you?" His voice was a bit more gruff than usual, but he was still soft spoken towards her.

"No, I think you're beautiful, human or cat." Y/n smiled and walked towards Lucci slowly, resting the palm of her hand on his furry cheek. Lucci closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, he let out a small sigh of relief.

"Kitty!" A high pitched voice squealed before little pitter patters of a child's feet came running towards the two and latching onto Lucci's legs, "Mr. Lucci is a leopard momma!"

Lucci got down on his hands and feet so he could be eye level with Angel. Angel then began to pet and scratch Lucci behind the ear making the grown man purr. Y/n caught sight of the large angry scars covering Lucci's back, but decided not to bring them up... yet.

"Yes he seems to be." Y/n giggled as Lucci got closer to the floor and began to play with the boy, his inner kitten coming out, "well, I'll just go get us all some supper ready then while you two boys have fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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