The Talk

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Blue: Red we need to talk...
Red: Why? Wait a fuckin' minute... Are you tryin' get kink-
Blue: Shut the fuck up!
Blue: I need to say some things about you sick ass drinking problem that's out of control.
Red: Wha-? Oh... Why?
Blue: Oh my god... You are causing so much fucking trouble with your liquor.
Red: Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue-
Blue: WHAT?!?!
Red: Wanna fuck?
Blue: you are so goddamn drunk.. *facepalms*
Blue: Look. Can you just quit the drinking?
Red: Gimme your di-
Red: Fine..... *rolls eyes*
Blue: So... Every since you met Stacy, you've caused nothing but trouble, you keep wrecking the apartment and breaking at least something.
And I want you to quit everything you do now. Drink, Party, and holding the parties HERE.
Got it?
Red: Yeah sure, fuck me.
*Blue grabs a glass bottle*
*Hits it on Red's head and knocks him out.*

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