The Fart Knight Returns 1/2

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*Phone rings*
Red: Holy fuck I feel like shit.
Red: How much did I drink?
Blue: you drunk a bar load of liquor you sick shit.
Blue: You kept saying you wanna fuck me.
Red: I did?
Red: Oh shit! The phone!
*Picks it up*
Caller: Hello?
Callers: Is this FartMan?
Red: Uh...Yes!
Red: Do you need my help?
Caller: Yes!
Caller: Earl Grey is here....
Red: Oh shit... I'm coming now!
Caller: Thank you!
*Hangs up*
Red: Alright, I got some shit to handle.
*Gets outfit*
Gotta go.
Blue: Do we need Bloser?
Red: Fuuuuuck no!
Blue: damn.
Red: Whatever. I'm leaving!
*Shuts Door*


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