Pink's Nightmare

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Pink's POV:

I was just laying in my bed, starting to fall asleep, then I just woke up to see that I'm in a graveyard, they're someone standing there? I thought it was blue until I tapped on his shoulder and his eyes fiery yellow and he had a large grin on his face. "Hello pink..." He sounded quite sinister, I asked how he knew my name and he didn't answer, he just kept digging a hole in front a tombstone, but then I realized something... My name was on the tombstone, I scooted back a little bit back, since he saw me scoot he aggressively grabbed my leg and dragged me back, I tried to get away, but he kept grabbing my leg but then I done with this shit and kicked his face, he fell over, the second he did I darted the hell out of there, he got back up and I almost shit myself what I saw behind me. He fucking ran at the speed of light behind me. I ran and ran and ran but no matter how fast I did, he caught up, but then he grabbed me.. I saw a
scythe rise up above me and he swung it down- But finally I woke up in a hot sweat, I was shaking
I couldn't sleep that night, but it felt good not be in that dream..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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