True Rangers

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Hello my dear fellow earthlings... Please accept this loooooooooong chapter as my apology for my long absence... Well... These past weeks just sneaked under my nose with out me noticing... So you can't really blame me... :p

Go ahead people, read and let me know if its boring...:D


9th Jan 2020

Its still dark outside, pitch dark when i heard the bang and rolled on my bed....
Wait... Its not a bang... Its my tab... Why is my tab ringing... Isn't it meant to be for emergency purposes...

The ring stopped before i could find and grab it... But in a second it started ringing again...
Mae Yui... Why is she calling me this early... I am not able to brush the sleep off when i answered...
"Mae" i am sure i sounded groggy...
"Tay...  Oh thank god finally..."
"Mae... I will be there on time... You don't have to worry"
"Tay... Tay... Tay... Please wake up and look at the time... We have checked in already..."
"Haaa...." I jumped up and looked at my bed side clock...
"Shvt... Mae..."
I didn't know what to say next
"Tay... just listen to me okay"
"Now wake up and there is a flight that would fly out in exactly in  1 and 1/2 hr... Book the ticket immediately and catch it...
I don't even care if you are in your pyjamas or brushed you  teeth... Just catch it okay?"
"Got it Mae... I will be there... Don't worry"
Am i panicking...naaaa... Why would i... This is millionth time this is happening to get used to pain after so many repetition this is nothing...
"Call P'Tha, if you need any help" she continued
"And Tay!"
"Please don't let your bad luck get in your way any more today...we can't afford it"
"Mae... I will be careful"
"Now hurry up...."
 she cut the call.
I quickly opened the app that i normally use to book the flight tickets ... And booked the tickets... Not before i checked the details carefully though... Otherwise i know enough about my bad luck by now....
Then i opened the app to book the cab...
And it showed my cab will arrive in 15 min...
I quickly freshened and checked my bag... Good i prepared my clothes the previous night... And i just locked my door when the heard the horn...
I ran out hurriedly checking if everything i need are there in my bag again...
"P' , i need to reach airport fast... Please hurry... But carefully"
I said as soon as i got into the cab... The driver just nodded
" Haa... P', can i ask you something?"
The driver was a bit confused...
" When did you last service this vehicle... Are you having any problems with it recently"
You know better, why it is important for me to ask these questions right?
The driver looked offended though....
" Nong... Its brand new....i am gonna make sure you are gonna reach in exactly 25 me" he stepped on the accelerator...
Well... I didn't mind... Its early there was minimum traffic and his car did look new...
So, i relaxed and pulled out my tab...and i saw there was a missed call from New... Just a second before Mae's call...
So its New who remembered i have a tab as well.... Hmmm....
Then i opened a top notification....
There he was telling the whole world that i am enjoying in my dream he kidding me right now... Wasn't he supposed to wake me up....
I got hit by anger... That idiot why didn't he call me an hour early..  idiot... I am gonna kill him as soon as i see him... Just watch....
Then i pulled out my mobile... And saw numerous messages and 52 missed calls...good lord....
A few from New as well... What! did he leave his brain at home today... Doesn't he know that i would pick up call the first time if i could... I do agree that its my fault to leave the phone on silent ... But common this is not the first time... He knows it better than anyone.... He intentionally did this to me today... I am definitely gonna kill him....

I kept scrolling and guess what... The whole world knows I slept in today.... Instagram and Twitter, both the feeds are filled with how Tawan slept in and missed his flight... I just smiled to myself, thinking how i made millions smile and start the day happy just because i woke up a bit late...
The driver hit the breaks making the wheels screech.... and i jumped in my seat... But i recovered soon and thanked him... I opened the app to do a web check-in as i walked in... You know to save the time... As i simultaneously moved towards the right terminal... I know where to go by now... I have flew out enough times to know where terminal 2 is and its at the far end.... So i just used the walking time to do the web check-in...
I landed at my destination after an hour...
A message from Mae Yui... As soon as i switched on my phone and it read...
"Tay, there is a car waiting for you outside at gate no.2, call me as soon as you land"
I quickly walked trying to find gate.2 , thankfully it didn't take much time to find. I called Mae Yui once i was in the car.
"Mae... I am in the car" i said as soon as she pick up...
I herad her sigh on the other side.. .
"I am sorry Kid... You all are true rangers... Even if this show doesn't exist... You are fighting everyday in your normal life to win over fate"
Hmmm... She knows i am not getting enough sleep these days, thanks to my tight schedule... So she is apologizing instead of scolding me...
"Mae... Lets concentrate on the show for now... I will rest later... So did you brief everyone already..."
" No we are waiting for you... Everyone is getting there make up done... So we are still on schedule... don't worry"
"Okay... Mae... I will see you in a bit"
"Okay Tay... By the way..."
She paused...
"Ha..." I answered to say i am still on the call...
"New is really mad at you... No one can really save you brace yourself"
Okay... There goes my anger pushed out the window by concern...
I immediately started thinking about how to calm him down....
I can definitely .... Done it a thousand times already.....
New was the only one in the make up room when i entered getting his final touches done.... He looked at me through the mirror and ignored me completely....
"Hey Hin..."
He is still ignoring...
I didn't say anything anymore... Coz i know talking infront of a third person is gonna add fuel to his anger....
He didn't leave even after he was done, but just sat on the chair with closed eyes.. may be taking a nap... I too was done in next 15 minutes...
I said after we were left alone in the room...
"Hin... Atleast tell me why you are angry?" I could see that he is able to hear me but he didn't react...
"Its not fair for you to be mad at me just bcoz i didn't pick your calls while sleeping...i am the one trolled all over social media afterall" i said making a sad face...
His eyes opened in anger... I had to move back to avoid his glare...

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