The Change

353 21 6

15th Sept 2020 9:20 AM


I frowned at my phone for disturbing my morning workout, i rarely get to follow my routine as is. But i knew i had to lift it as it's New calling.

"Hello, Ya New?" I gasped into the call from hightened heart rate.

"What the hell Tae, what is wrong with you?" He sounded very upset and i have no clue why.

"New, listen, you are not Tee-det, you are New and you are talking to me, your friend, Tay, so stop being rude and talk like a normal person, will you?" I patienty requestd.

"I don't give a damn to your normalcy, just tell me why on earth would you have a live planned excatly at the time we have a live to launch the series?" New asked impatiently.

"Hmmm... The live is planned long back with Proud, New and we have to do the live for the series as well today, it's already pretty late to launch the series if you ask me, so i said i will join later, you five will be there any way, that's more than enough" I reasoned.

"Oo right, Five of us are enough, then why did you even act in the series, you should have just let five us do it..." New almost yelled.

"New, you are being unreasonable now..." I murmured.

"You, yourself have put everyone in dilema, which live will they choose to join now? Your live or your series launch?" He kept asking..."Do you have any idea how our fans are taking this? " He yelled again..."

"I do, which is why i will join you guys as soon as i can, don't worry, it's gonna be fine" I assured.

But he said " You have changed Taee..." and the call got cut.

I sat there gaping. I have changed? May be i have... who hasn't... then why did it just sound like an accusation?

I kept thinking of that one sentence New blurted as i continued my workout. The live later went fine, I ended it as soon as I can to join the others for series launch.

I checked how the live meets for the series are going on the way and it seemed like New is really mad at me. I did ask Off and Gun to not act too lovey dovy and make New and Polcas feel worse, but New still seemed angry. I really am not able to understand him today, though i would have been there he would only act like i am an untouchable.

The next live was just about to start by the time i reached, so i quickly changed and the event started. We didn't talk through out the live and he shrugged me off few times when i did try. After the live we had to part ways as I had to join Off and Sing for the next program. The event went smoothly but i felt really low when i stepped out into the open that day. I was in no mood to go out so i went straight to my condo and ordered some food.

I was laying on the bed scrolling through my insta feed, listening to some slow songs when my phone rang again. I sighed. I wish it was someone i can just ignore.

"Hin... what now?" I asked irritated.

"Taee..." it was whining.

I smiled and put my hand under my head relaxing back.... "Hin?" I then asked mockingly.

"I am sorry na..." New apoligised in a soft voice.

I just hummed... "Hmmm...!"

"I miss you Taee... " New then confessed.

I hummed again...." Uu.. hu..."

"Okay then, bye, Good night..." He sounded dissapointed.

"Huh?" My voice raised a bit asking the question.

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