Chapter 3

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[ Thank you gusy for over 100 reads, you guys are the best! I'm also working on a new book (again) it s called "Can you feel it too?" And because of my weird obession with Error, he is the main character (again) So...something went wrong when i published this chapterand it didnt publish this fully, so i have to re-publish this, but anyway, enjoy the chapter!!]

Error's P.O.V

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Bruce yells, making me flinch again. 

"It will heal over time. No biggie, besides, i can't die, even if i want to." I say calmly. It isn't a big deal really. And why would they care anyways? And now this "Bruce" is giving me a blank look, witch confiuses me. He doesn't say anything and starts to clean the wound. And now, i'm way too uncomfortable. It's not the pain, not at all, i'm used to it. It's just that he is touching me. And he's way too close.

"So u-um...." the shorty tries to start a converstation.

"I'm Peter Parker, but my superhero name is Spiderman. That is Tony stark, his superhero name is Ironman. This is Steve Rogers and his superhero name is Captain America. You alredy know Bruce, and then there's Thor, the god of thunder." Peter says pointing on each of them. Wait....did he say Thor, the god of thunder. GOD OF THUNDER?! THERE'S A GOD OF THUNDER?! I though there is just the god of creation and the god of destruction. Bruce wraps my arm with band-aid. I get up and bow to them.

"I'm Error, the god of destruction." I intocude myself. They look......shocked? But why?

"God of destruction?!" Thor, more like yells than asks.

"I didn't know there's a god of destruction." Bruce says.

"And i didn't know that there's a god of thunder. Honestly, i though there is only the god of creation and the god of destruction." I reply.

"Well, how does it feel to be a god of destruction.....?" Peter asks, unsure of himself, i can tell.

"It's not a fun job to do." I blankly reply.

"Your a god! How come it's not fun!?" Tony yells/asks.

"Hmm....well i don't know. Maybe it has something to do with that i was forced to this job. Oh, and maybe that i have to kill thousands of people to save billions of people. Maybe also that, if i don't do my job right, the voices will torture me, and people will die, and if i do my job, the god of creation will beat up me. So last when i cheked, no fun at all." Wait......did i say that out loud? Shit.

" was fun to know you, buuuuut i'll be" I say, walking or more like trying to walk out of the room, but Bruce stops me.

"You sit back on the cough, and rest." He says, with this really serious face of his.

"" I try to walk out of the room but someone or more like something stops me, again. A shield flys past me to the wall making me let out a small 'eep'.

Bruce's P.O.V (Wow Luci, you changed the pov.)

I try to stop Error fron leaving. He has to rest, and his probably hungry. I also want to know more about him, so i try to stop him, but fail. Luckly Steve stops him from leaving. Steve throws his shield just inches away from Error to the wall. I hear Error letting out a quiet and cute 'Eep.' Wait....did i just though that is cute?! Bad Bruce, bad! was cute. Just now i realize how short and adorable he is. How could someone hurt this kind of cute creature?!

Steve's P.O.V

Bruce tries to stop Error from leaving, but fails. Honestly, i'm aslo curios about this 'Error' guy. And he just got shot to the god damn shoulder, so, nope. He isn't leaving yet. I throw my shield just inches away from Error's face and it hits the wall. I heard a quiet and....adorable 'Eep'. What?! Steve! No! Manners! And i'm not gay, so nope! He's just adorable small cutie nothing more. SHIT! AGAIN!

Error's P.O.V

Okay, maybe i'll just sit down before i make them angry. And i don't want another god trying to kill me, so i'll just sit down. can't be that bad......right? I went to the cough and sit back down.

"Well now that i'm staying here for a bit.......what's a superhero?" I ask again since i didn't get the answer last time.

"You don't know what superhero is?!" Bruce almost yells.

"Should i?" I ask back. Tony sighs and starts to explain this superhero thing to me.

"Superhero is a person who protects people and helps them when they need it. Usually, superhero has some kind of powers, for example, Peter can shoot spiderwebs from his hands. But there is a couple of superhero's who don't have super powers, but are still superhero's. Like me, for example, i don't have super powers, but i made a suit, that way i can help people." Tony explains.

"So, it's like a protector of the AU's but there can be many of them, and they are actually good and not just pretending." I say mostly to myself. 

"What are AU's?" Bruce asks.

"It's just a thing from my multiverse."

"Don't you mean universe?" Peter asks.

"No. Multiverse."

"What are AU's?!" Bruce yells/asks.

~Time skip brough you by lazy author who doesn't want to explain things you probably alredy know. (if you don't, tell me in the comments.)~

"Well that was long explanation." Peter says.

"I warned you." I answer.

¤End of chapter 3¤

"I'm hungry" i say to the man whose arms are around my waist.

"I need food." I say louder, as he kisses my neck.

"Let's go together." I beg. He pushes me onto the bed and pulls my shorts off. I reach them as he throws them on the floor.

"I'm starving, can we please go?" His fingers penetrating my body answers the question, that he's mouth refuses to voice.

He fucks my body, until he is satisfied.

I eat alone that night, apparently neither of us could say no. ~m.e

¤Word count: 1011¤

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