Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I come all the way to Air Temple Island to find out that Opal has gone back to Zaofu to save me, Wei and Wing. Kuvira has probably already captured her by now. I am scared for her, I can't live with myself if she gets captured. I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I don't look the same anymore. I have a sadder, weakened self-image. I leave the room and go to sleep. I had a dream, more like a nightmare. It was about me trying to capture my family from Kuvira. I was alone and her prison was a maze filled with guards. As I think I am approaching the cell with my family, I go in, and I figure out it wasn't their cell after all. It was a dark room with no floor, but I was determined, so I advanced to the room. I see my family's faces on the wall, with bloodshot eyes and no bodies. Then, next thing I know I am falling in an infinite hole. Finally, I woke up in a daze. Someone was shaking me, "Su, get up!" it was Lin. I put my hand to me temple and rub it. "Are you okay?you were sobbing in your sleep," Lin asked. "Mmm-yeah I'm fine," I responded, still trying to process the dream. Then it clicked "We have to go back and save our family!" I added. "Okay, we'll leave in a hour" Lin concluded.

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