Our Wedding Day!

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"Come on Candy you havent left your room since yesterday,you even canceled your bacholerette party"." Its your wedding day come on please candy." Go away Aj! Please just leave me alone. "I will not leave Candy get your ass up now im tired of begging this is your wedding day and your acting like a two year old..."

"Fine! If you want to break Randy's heart the same way Roman broke yours or get his hopes up the same way Edge did to you then go ahead but im not going to sit here and watch i thought you were better than that."

I hear her storm downstairs. I get out of the bed and unlock the door and open it i see Aj standing there smiling."I knew that trick would work. I smile thanks for caring aj,"no problem baby now lets get you ready,but first im going to need you to shower because your smelling a little ripe.Whatever Aj,oh before I forget,I run to my closet and pull out this bridesmaid dress. Here you go ,"I thought this was Corey maid of honor dress? It "WAS" Corey maid of honor dress but your my maid of honor now so here is your dress. "Come on Candy i know she hurt you but that still your sister,the only one you have. Aj i dont need a lecture right now,she still in my wedding just not my maid of honor so give your dress to her,but we will talk about it later."okay candy". I close the door strip and head into the bathroom i turn the shower on and get in then i hear the bedroom door open and i hear the bedroom door open and "Mommy" I smile im in here baby. She comes in and sits on the toliet seat cover.How was your flight with grandma pat? "It was awesome mommy we were up so high and I watched my favorite movie lilo and stitch." Thats good baby,hand mommy that towel. She hands me the towel i wrap it around my body and exit the shower i turn off the water.I kiss Jojo like always. I get dress abd grab my phone and car keys and tell Jojo to come on.We head downstairs i see my whole bridal party waiting i greet everyone they come and hug me,then i see Corey sitting in the corner by herself. I ingore her,are yall ready to go?" Yes maam and i already dropped your dresses off at the Venue." Thanks Aj and dont forget your dress. We leave and go to the the salon and get our nails,makeup and hair done and Jojo is enjoying getting pamperd and so is the other girls. We are there four and a half hours and Aj annouces that its time to leave. We leave and head to the venue im so excited and nervous because with my life there is never . drama free moment. I help the girls and Jojo and even corey get dressed. Then its my turn once in my dress veil and train i look in the mirror and begin to cry. "Why are you crying mommy?" Im really happy baby i kiss her on the cheek just at that moment the wedding coordinater comes in and tells us its time. I smile really hard then we leave the dressing room. Dont forget your flower basket Jojo."Yes maam". We line up and wedding march plays one by one groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down the aisle then jojo.Then me and daddy walk down and everyone stands and i see Randy standing up there smiling. Once I get up there i hand my flowers to Aj and hold Randy's hands. The preacher speaks who gives this woman away? Daddy,Uncle Hunter, Aunt Steph Stand"We do." We are gathered here today for holy matrimony between miss candyland herself Candice Mariah Mchanon and the viper Randell Keith Orton you may be seated,the couple has chosen to write there own vowels. I turn to Aj she hands me a folded sheet of paper I wrote my vowels on and begin to read,Randy I never knew love until I met you,you accepted not only me but my beautiful baby girl too and through our trials and tribulations we stuck it out til the end you are the ying to my yang the peanutbutter to my jelly and you are my better half and I love you Randell Keith Orton. Tears begin to fall I hand Aj the paper and hear Randy's. Candice Mariah Mchanon I laugh , I know you hate it when I say your entire name but its so beautiful you just have to say it,when I first saw you I thought wow she can kick some ass everyone laughs but no seriously I thought you were the most gorgeous thing in the world and the sweet tone of your voice when you sing could sooth any crying baby and jojo he kneels down and grabs her hands I love you more than life its self I will always be here for you, no matter what you are my daughter no matter what anyone says, she hugs his neck and kisses him on the cheek he stands back up and mouths I love you, to me. I love you too.

"Randy do you take Candy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"I do." "Candy do you take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I do.Does anybody eject to the marriage of the lovely couple speak now or forever hold your peace. We look around nobody says anything. I now introduce Mr. and Mrs. Randell Keith Orton you may kiss your bride. Randy lifts my veil and we kiss and turn to the crowd they cheer and clap I grab jojo's hand and Randy's too and walk down the aisle they throw rose pedals and as I wave to my wedding crowd I see Roman standing there with a sly devilish smile on his face I ingore him but knowing him he has something up his sleeve but I dont care because this is the happiest day of my life. I dare anyone to ruin my day because this will be the day all hell break loose.

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