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Third person POV

"Did that bird just "psst" us?" Susan asked.

Everyone walked outside to investigate, the bird flew away and they looked around for something else. Suddenly a twig snapped in the forest, Peter pushed Y/n behind him she was confused for this action but didn't do anything.

They looked around trying to find the source of it, one more twig snapped on the other side of them and a pssst was heard once again.
Y/n had placed her hand on Peter'a shoulder in fear, Peter placed his big hand on her smaller one. Susan grabbed Y/n'a arm and Lucy hid in Susan's coat.

A beaver suddenly appeared in front of them, they all exhaled in relief.
"It's a beaver" Lucy said in confusion.

Peter stepped towards it and stretched out his hand. "Here boy" He said. The beaver stood on his back paws.
"I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want" it said making Peter retrieve his hand.
"Oh sorry" Peter said, Y/n and Lucy giggled.
"Lucy Pevensie, Y/n L/n?" The beaver asked.
The girls stopped giggling and stepped forward.
"Yes?" Lucy asked.

The beaver held out the tissue that Lucy gave Mr Tumnus the first time we meet him.
"Hey that's the tissue I gave to Mr Tum-" "Tumnus, he gave it to me just before they took him" The beaver said.
"Is he alright?" Y/n asked in a worried tone.

The beaver looked around before whispering:
"Further in" And began to walk towards the forest.
Y/n, Peter and Lucy began to follow him but Susan stopped them.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"She's right, how do we know we can trust him" Edmund asked.
"He said he knows the faun" Peter said.
"He's a beaver he shouldn't be saying anything" Susan said.
"Everything alright?" The beaver appeared.
"Yes, we were just talking" Peter said.
"That's better left for safer quarters" The beaver said and disappeared into the forest again.
"He means the trees" Lucy said.

They decided to follow the beaver. They walked through the forest, looking around for any sign of attackers.
"Come on, we don't want to be caught out here after nightfall" The beaver said.
They passed through the mountains in a tiny space that led them through. When they appeared in the other side they could see the dam from their position.

"Ah blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup I' Rosy lee" the beaver said.
"It's lovely" Lucy said.
"It's merely a trifle, still plenty to do. Ain't quite finish yet, it'll look the business when it is though" The beaver said.
Y/n and Peter looked at each other, Y/n smiled at him making Peters cheeks dusty with pink and also tiny smiling back but look back ahead.

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick!" A female voice said.
"If I find you've been out with badger again I-" She stopped talking when she saw them.
"Well those aren't badgers" She said in awe.
"Oh I never thought I'd love to see this day. Look at my fur, you couldn't give me a 10 minute warning?" The female asked.
"I'd had given you a week if I thought it would've helped" The beaver said making everyone laugh.

"Oh come inside, and we'll see if we can get you some food. And some civilized company" She said and walked towards the hut.
They walked inside and everyone sat down at the little table except for Edmund who sat in the stairs.
"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter asked.
"They'll have taken him to the Witch's, you know what they say there's few that go through them gates that come out again" Beaver explained.
"Fish 'n' Chips?" Mrs Beaver interrupted.
"But there Is hope dear. Lots of hope" She placed her paw on Lucy's shoulder.
"Oh yeah, there's a right but more than hope!" Beaver leaned closer.
"Aslan is on the move" He said quietly.
"Who's Aslan?" Edmund asked.

The beaver laughed at Edmund's question, but stopped when Mrs beaver gave him a nudge and looked towards the confused children.
"You don't know do you?" He asked.
"Well we haven't exactly been here for long" Y/n said.
"Well he's only the king of the whole woods, the real king of Narnia"
Beaver explained, making Edmund roll his eyes.
"He's been away for a long while" Mr beaver said.
"But he's just got back! And he's waiting for you at the stone table" Beaver exclaimed.
"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asked.
"Your blimmin' joking!" Beaver exclaimed. He returned to his wife.

"They don't even know about the prophecy" He said.
"Well, then..." Mrs Beaver encouraged her husband to tell them about the prophecy.
Y/n and Lucy leaned forward, interested in this prophecy.
"Look, Aslan' return, Tumnus arrest. The secret police is all happening because of you!" Beaver said.
"You're blaming us?" Susan asked.
"No! Not blaming, thanking you" Mrs Beaver said quickly.
"There's a prophecy When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone seeks a Cair Paravelian throne, the evil time will be over and done" Beaver said.
"You know that doesn't really rhyme" Susan pointed out.
"Yeah I know but your kinda kissing the point" He said in frustration.
"It has long been said that two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia" Mrs Beaver explained.

The children looked at each other. Y/n and Peter locked gaze blushing, but Peter cleared his throat and turned away leaving Y/n frowning.
"And you think we're the ones" Peter asked.
"It has to be! 'Cause Aslan has already gotten your army!" Beaver said.
"Our army?" Y/n asked.
"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war" Susan said to her oldest brother.
"I think you've make a mistake. We're not heroes" Peter said.
"We're from Finchley" Susan said.
"Thank you for your hospitality" Susan stood up.
"But we really have to go" She finished.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n, we can't fight" Peter said.
"But what about Mr Tumnus?" Lucy asked.
"It's out of our hands" Peter said.
"I'm sorry, but it's time the five of us were getting home" Peter said.
"Ed you've been awfully-" Y/n cut herself off when she saw that Edmund was gone.
"Quiet?" She finished.
"Ed?" She asked.
Everyone turned their attention on the spot that the brunette boy has been sitting in barely a minute ago.
"Ed?" Y/n called again in a worried tone.

Y/n looked around to see that the front door was opened. She ran to it and stopped at the doorstep, looking back at Peter. He met her worried e/c eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him" Peter said.
"You may not have to" Everyone looked at Beaver.
"Has Edmund ever been in Narnia before?" Beaver asked.
Everyone exchanged looks before running to their coats and taking off after Edmund following his foot prints in the internal snow.

Sorry it's been so long I've been busy with school but I'll try to upload a next chapter by tomorrow💛~Mia

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