Vampire Boarding School - chapter 8

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So, standing here as i was, looking like a complete and utter plonka in my pyjamas, i couldn't help but wander why these vampires actually wanted me here. Last night had been such a long night for me, and the news had been such a shock that i hadn't even thought to ask why they wanted me here, what made me so special to all the other girls.

For all i knew, they could take a girl from Madame Clarkes every now and then, just an ordinary girl, nobody special, and drink their blood, or use them to fulfill their 'urges' as one of the girls had called them.

Or maybe, just maybe, i was seen as special by these men ... if you could really call them that. I couldnt fathem a reason for why they would choose me to want, other than the fact that i dress much like they do. But was that really a good enough reason?

I began to think about my life and how much it had changed. Just a week ago, a mere week, i had been somewhat happy at home, living with my parents and having as good a time as one could have in a town where they were hated by almost everyone. And now i was here. You would have thought that things would have improved, living with people who seem to like me and actually having steph, who seemed like very good best friend material, that i would actually be perfectly happy for the first time in my life. But this was not to be.

I was sitting the corner of the room, next to the old gold mirror, scraping my black fingernails against the wall and floor in an attempt somehow magic myself out of this place, as much as i loved the decor, when i heard the golden door handle begin to twist slightly. It wasnt an easy sound to here as the knob opened so smoothly, but being all alone in a silent room probably helped.

I could feel my heart begin to speed up, knowing that my fate lied just behind that door, but i did not, however, get into a great fit of sweat as i had done the previous night.

I had expected that door to smash open in a great bound of strength, to reveal a huge vampire with jet black hair and teeth sharp as anything, but this was not the case. In fact, the replacment of my fantasy was actually rather dissapointing.

The door slowely opened ever so smoothly, to reveal possibly the oddest man i had ever seen. He still retained the jet black hair of the others, but had recieded to wearing jut a grey suit. His face was what was the oddest thing about him though. He looked as though he were about 50, with wrinkles along his eyes, yet he seemed still perfectly beautiful and innocent, like i just wanted to protect him.

"Miss, it has been requested that you accompany me to the dinning hall. There you will be fed and have time to drink, but you will, i regret to say, not be able to socialise with any of the students." the vampire had a very silky yet slightly squeeky voice, but this was not my top concern - that would be the fact that i was being treated somewhat normally.

I decided that the best way to get answers was to play the sweet and innocent captor, and so acted as though i had no recollection of ever doing anything that could warrent my kidnap. "Im sorry, but could you please tell me why im here, in this school. I should be at home, eating breakfast, although its most likely gone half 7 by now."

"Half 7? what an awfully early time to be up. You do look much better now that you have had a proper lay in. Now breakfast will be at 11 o'clock, we must leave now or we shall be late."

Upon my arrival to the dinning hall i was faced with the most amazing site of my life ... 2000 vampires, all male, all perfect, all right in front of me. I walked down the centre of the isle to find that nobody even so much as looked at me, but reacted to my presence, almost as though they could already thell that i was there. 

When i reached the end i was stood upon a platform, in all the gallore of my pyjamas. Although my main quiery was as to why i was standing on a podium in the middle of a dining hall, all i could think was human sacrafice.

From behind me i heard the boom of a very deep yet spine chillingly amazing voice. "Let us all welcome our newest member, Jess! She will be staying with us from now on, and for the younger of you out there who weren't entierly sure; yes, she is what you think. She belongs to us now."

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