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Currently, the famous horror writer known as Sam Williams was sitting at his desk at his new home located in San Francisco, California as he attempted to work on his next novel. However, he couldn't fully focus on this task due to his concern for his daughter, Erma. "Hey, honey. How's the book coming along?" Asked a somewhat creepy, yet calming feminine voice. The voice belonged to Sam's wife, Emiko. She had long black hair that covered most of her face and had pure white skin that seems to be lifeless. Her eyes were silver with black surrounding it and wore a long white dress. To most, she would probably scare at first sight due to her horror and ghost-like appearance. Although Sam wasn't even remotely scare by her as he turns toward her to reply: "Well... I am making some progress, but I seem to be a bit distracted. Things have been tough on her since Connor died..."

Emiko let out a light sigh. "I was hoping that the move here would give her a chance at a fresh start and help her move on. However, it seems like she's still troubled by his death." Emiko stated as she glanced towards her daughter's room with concern. Since the death of Connor, Erma was starting to eat less and became more isolated. As well as grown to use less of her powers as she lost her cheerful self. Erma and Connor were extremely close to one another when they lived in the town known as Blair wood. The two were on the verge of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend by the near end of Elementary School. Until the accident, that is. Emiko at times wished she could bring Connor back, but despite her powers as a form of Yokai known as Onryo, she wasn't all-powerful nor able to bring the dead back to life. "Same here. Perhaps her first day in high school here might help." Sam added as he got up. "Speaking of which, we might need to wake her up. I don't want her to miss the bus." Sam added as he headed out of the room. Emiko nodded in agreement as she said: "I can do that if you still need to work on the novel."

"Actually, I planned to make breakfast for everyone." Stated Sam as he headed into the kitchen to do that. Emiko promptly made her way to her daughter's room and knocked on the door. "Sweetie, you awake? It's almost time for school." The door soon opens due to a fourteen-year-old girl who looked very similar to Emiko and was slightly shorter than she was. She dressed in a light grey short-sleeved shirt complemented with a skirt that went down to her knees and was colored the same. She had a formal pair of shoes on as well a bookbag that hangs on her left shoulder. Emiko smiled at her daughter as she asked: "How have you been feeling?" Erma gave a faint smile that quickly disappeared in a failed attempt to reassure her mother that she was alright. "You still miss him, don't you?" Emiko promptly asked as Erma nodded in response. "I know it's been hard for you since what happened, but I would believe that he would want you to be happy again. Why don't you try to make some new friends when you reach high school?" Emiko requested as she leads Erma to the kitchen for breakfast. "I guess I can try..." Erma said faintly as she took a seat next to her mother as her dad continue to make breakfast.

Once breakfast was over, Erma made her way to the bus stop. She did consider flying, but eventually just went with walking due to being unsure how people would take her ghostly abilities if someone were to spot her. However, as she approached the bus stop she started to sense a powerful dark entity nearby. This caused her to spot dead in her tracks as she looked for where the entity was, but instead found a pale girl with blue hair that had a gemstone on her forehead. She wore a purple sweat jacket over a black shirt as well as grey jeans. The girl seems to be reading some kind of horror novel as she sat on the bent by the sign labeled Bus Stop. Erma was utterly confused by this since the girl didn't seem to be a threat nor evil. Quite frankly, she seems to be the typical goth girl at first glance. However, she could practically sense the dark powers that the girl had and it was strangely similar to her own powers. 'Could she be a Yokai of some form?' Erma thought to herself as she eventually took a seat next to the girl. As she did this, Erma noticed that the book the blue-haired girl was reading was by her father while she was considering to engage in conversation with her.

Although, this decision was made for her when the blue-haired girl took a glance at Erma and seem to recognize her. "You seem familiar... Have we met before?" The girl asked while she tried to place where she has seen her. "No we haven't met before, but I can understand why you recognized me." Erma replied with a bit of a nervous reaction. The girl raised an eyebrow while she places the book she was reading next to her as she asked: "How so?" Erma then gestured to the book as she explained: "My dad had base one of his characters in his books off of me. I'm Erma by the way." The girl did seem to be shocked by this as she introduced herself: "Rachel."

"How does your dad come up with the stories for his books exactly? To be honest, they seem as if he has personally experienced most of the events in his novels." Asked Rachel with curiosity. Erma laughed a bit as she replied: "I'll tell you if you promise not to publish it on Facebook or anything like that." Rachel nodded in agreement as she ensured Erma that she wasn't the one for social media or anything like that. Erma then promptly explained how the events in her dad's novels were inspired by actual events that he and her family have gone through. This causes Rachel to chuckled a bit. "The only question now is why most people label his books as fiction." Erma laughs a bit as well as she simply replied: "Guess people believe what they want to believe." The two then talked about things that interested them and found to have many things in common until the school bus had arrived to take them to High School.

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