Chapter 21

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As Dumbledore entered his office, McGonagall was a couple of paces behind him. He made his way to his desk while she closed the door.

"I feel you might want to discuss something with me before they arrive," he said calmly, looking at her. The start of year banquet was quite the eye opener, so a private meeting was required.

"Yes, I do," she sat in front of him. They had many talks like this, but recently it was just of Rose. "She's been asking a lot about her parents, I asked Hagrid to tell Rose about the box like you asked."

"Ah, yes. Her mother's box," he brought his hands onto his desk and intertwined his fingers. "There are many boxes of her father's letters in Gringotts but there is only one box of her mother's. As you know Ingrid was quite the cryptic person." He paused, "There is something in there that will help Rose in the future."

"What is it?"

"The truth, something she would more likely gain knowledge of in a few years."

"But she has the letters now."

"The letters aren't the only thing in the box, but it would be revealed in time."

"I see," she said softly. She's known him long enough that he won't speak any further on the matter.

"What happens if she remembers?" They both looked at each other long enough to know they didn't know how the girl would handle part of the truth.

The truth that she is a vital piece in harmony and destruction.

One wrong move and the flame of hope would turn into a forest fire.

"I worry that she might not want me as her guardian when she sees Remus," the thought weighed on her more than she will ever let on.

"Nonsense," Dumbledore said as if it was the most absurd thing he has heard. He softly chuckles, "You've been in her life since the beginning, yes she might want to spend time with him for the years they've lost but there is no doubt that she loves you."

Tears were threatening to spill over, "I never wanted to replace her, I just wanted her to feel comfortable with me."

"And she does," he smiled, giving her his handkerchief. "You've been guiding her and still are," he softly smiled.

McGonagall smiled, wiping away her tears.

"Though with times changing, she will need guidance from another and will need to trust her gut," he sighed. "In time she will need to hold her own, it's only a matter of when."

Is the when now or is this another obstacle in life?

Crouching by the fireplace was none other than Parkinson and Bulstrode, smirking at Rose's opened letter. Rose saw Astoria stand up and move away although she was more focused on Parkinson.

Rose whistled. After a long time, she whistled. If only it was under better circumstances.

"Oh, you're joining us quite early," Parkinson chuckled. "Care to read this one for us? Wait, you don't have a voice, so sad," she mocked. With a flick of her wrist, the letter flew right into the fire.

As Rose swooped in, she was blocked by Bulstrode. It was as if someone sucked out all the air in her lungs, she had no choice but to watch the letter slowly burn. It was then did she notice there was more ashes in the pit.

"It wasn't the first, some of them I didn't even bother to read, though they made the fire instantly hotter," she smirked. Rose didn't care if the tears spill over, she pushed Bulstrode with enough force to reach the burning letter. "Hey, what the hell!" Her voice gained attention around.

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