Goldenrod City!

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Gold's POV

When we were at Goldenrod City, I went straight to heading to the gym! But...

Lyra took me by the back of my collar and said, "Come on, Gold! I told you we would go to the Pokémon center first and then to the department store!"

I sighed


At the Pokémon center, I healed my Pokémon from the battles in Ilex Forest.

"Alright, your Pokémon are all healed! Come again soon!" Nurse Joy joyfully exclaimed.

When we walked out of the Pokémon center, I was immediately dragged once more. We were heading to the department store that was there.

I swear that I was probably going to just be staring at random stuff while Lyra does her thing. I don't even know if she is going to actually buy something useful.


While Lyra was looking at clothes, I kinda ran away and looked at some stuff with my Quilava.

"Look! This is a cool looking item!" I exclaimed while pointing at some Pokémon items.

Once I was bored, I was thirsty and went to a vending machine I saw while walking around.

I got some juice and was drinking while feeding Quilava some snacks.

At one point I saw a blur of reddish hair but paid no mind to it. It's not like it was anything important.

When I saw Quilava was finished with the snack he was eating, I gave him another one.

"There you are!" I heard a female voice yell

I looked around and saw Lyra running to me with at least 5 shopping bags on both arms and two security guards.

"What's up with the guards?" I asked paying no mind to the constant questions of 'where were you?!' And 'I was worried about you, you know?!'

Lyra cleared her throat and spoke," They are guards that were helping me look for you!"

"I'm not lost though." I said while giving a mischievous smirk.

I heard Lyra growl a bit and the guards walked away knowing that their job was done.

"Let's go to the gym now!" I whined

"Wait! I need to fit all of these in my bag!" Lyra said while setting the bags down while taking out the contents to fit them in an organized manner inside of her small bag.

Somehow, she managed to do it.

Once she was ready, I dashed on without her.

She was shocked and tried to catch up to me

I entered the gym and saw a huge maze.

I learned quickly that I had to travel to the middle.

"This'll be a piece of cake!" Is what I said two minutes ago.

Now, I'm battle one of the MILLION trainers I have to fight in order to fight the gym leader.

Finally, I was at the middle and ready to battle and earn my gym badge!

I saw a girl that had pink hair pulled into two ponytails and two yellow barrettes. She also had pinkish brown eyes that matched her and her outfit. She wore a white shirt with pink stripes with short shorts.

"Hi, I'm Whitney! Everyone was into Pokémon, so I got into it too! Pokémon are super-cute! You want to battle? I'm warning you— I'm good!" The pinked haired teen yelled with enthusiasm.

Take care of me! (Pokemon fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora