Chapter 2 (asking nicely)

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"I'm asking you nicely to leave the young girl alone or I'll have to call the police." You say.

"Hey hey we'll leave, we don't want no trouble." The perverts run away.

Koneko walks up to you "Thanks for helping me...(Fn) did you say your name was?"

"Yes that's my name."

"Thanks again for helping me, maybe I'll see you around school." She says.

"Hopefully yeah." You said.

"Well bye." She says walking to school

You walk to school too as the bell rings and you run to class.

When you get to class you see Koneko sitting down and the teacher looks at you.

"Mr/Miss (Ln) your late" the teacher says.

"Yes...I know...I'm sorry" you say between breathes.

"Sorry is not good enough...I'm afraid I'll have to give you detention."

(Get upset-chapter 4)
(Accept detention- chapter 5)

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