Chapter 3 (force them)

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"I asked you to leave her alone now you've left me no choice."

You start walking to them as they say "Look at this guy/girl...he/she thinks he/she can take us on."

The perverts push you to the ground.

As you hit the ground you sweep there legs knocking them to the ground as you get up.

One pervert says to the other "Hey man let's get out of here."


They both run and Koneko walks up to you.

"Thanks for helping me...what did you say your name was again?"

"My name is (Ln), (Fn) (Ln)."

"Thanks again for helping me, see you around school (Fn)." She says.

"See you then." You said.

She walks to school.

You run to school as the bell rings and you arrive at class.

You see Koneko sitting down and the teacher looks at you.

"Mr/Miss (Ln) your late" the teacher says.

"Yes I'm sorry I was late."

"Sorry is not good enough...I'm afraid I'll have to give you detention."

(Get upset-chapter 4)
(Accept detention- chapter 5)

Koneko x Reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora