Chapter 6 (ask her out)

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"Uh Koneko would you like to uh..." you are nervous.

"Would I like to what?" She looks at you with a questioning look.

"I know we haven't known each other for long, we've only met this morning but Koneko," you take a deep breathe "Koneko Toujou would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Koneko blushed " want to date me?"

You nod and look at her.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend (Fn)." She smiled.

You smiled too as the waiter comes over with your teas.

After you two are done with your teas and you pay the check, you and Koneko walk out of the cafe.

"So uh (Fn), would you like to meet the other members in the club I'm in?" She asked you.


You two walked to the old school building.

"Wow" you said as you looked at it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just thought this building was abandoned."

"This is the old school building, it's only really used for the Occult Research Club. The name of the president is Rias Gremory and the vp is Akeno Himajima." She explained it to you.

"Shall we go in dear?" You asked

Koneko nods as you both walk to the club room and you see a group of girls who look like they're fighting over something.

"Should've known you all would be fighting over Issei." Koneko said a little angry.

All the girls are startled and you see a guy underneath them.

"Oh come on Koneko we were just having fun" the guy said and looked at you "who's your friend?"

"Everyone this is my boyfriend (Fn) (Ln), (Fn) the red haired girl is Rias, the girl with the orange hair tie is Akeno, the blonde is Asia, the blue haired one is Xenovia, the orange haired girl is Irina and the pervert in between them all is Issei."

"Nice to meet you all." You say.

Issei walks up to you "So you're Koneko's boyfriend huh?"

"Yes I am."

"You know Koneko this means we can't have fun."

"Shut up Issei." Koneko says as she moves closer to you and hugs you.

You smile and hug her too.

Good ending

I know this book was short but this was an experiment to see if a book like this could work.

Feel free to comment questions for me and I'll answer them.


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