Quirk No. 19

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Name: Orbit

Type: Emitter 

Due to technical difficulties, the suggested-by collumn will be at the bottom of the form from now on. If I try to tag someone up here (Until now, I've always just linked the profile), it moves up to the very first row for no actual reason, so it's there now. 

Basic Info: The user can draw small objects into orbit of themselves and shoot them back out. 
The most common use is drawing in bullets or effects of other quirks. 

-That quirk is literally the embodiment of "no u". Just fire everything right back.

-Can't draw in large objects such as huge boulders unless high amounts of energy are used.
-Can't draw in intangible objects such as Bakugo's explosions, Eri's rewinding aura, etc.

-Overusage causes blurry vision and it will pull things such as the user's skin into orbit, which causes cuts and bruises.  

Suggested by: fishInAlemon
This damn tag better work now.

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