Chapter 1 (Normalish)

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The Nip family was not like any normal family in their time.
They still held on to the truth that they have a Savior who will one day return to claim his children.
"Dad can we skip bible night just for tonight?" Ashton pouted as he held an ice pack on his eye.
"No, what if tonight was the night?" Their dad reminded.
"Yeah but dad it really wouldn't matter.
We read it every night since we were born.
Besides we believing Jesus came, died on the cross for our sins and rose again is enough for us to go into the kingdom of heaven." Lloyd reminded as he set the table.
But still, don't you want to be able to say you know him better than if you didn't have the bible?" Their mother countered as she brought out the food.
"That's the thing, we do know him mom." Octavia sighed as she helped.
"Okay I guess one night wouldn't hurt as long as you read a scripture." Their dad winked.
"That's still reading." Liam mumbled.
"Face it squirts your stuck with the nightly bible read.
If Donovan and I couldn't talk our way out of it you runts definitely can't." Seth chuckled as he put Bellamy in a head lock and rubbed his knuckles on his scalp.
"Dad seriously your not going to stop him?" Bellamy whined as he tried to break away.
"Nope you have to figure your way out.
Consider this apartment of your training." Their dad winked.
Bellamy was now pressed against his brothers broad chest with one arm from Seth across his chest restricting movement in his arms and another across his throat cutting off a little air supply.
"This... Is crazy...
Dad please." Bellamy started to panic.
Seth sighed and loosened his hold.
"Seth no keep hold on him.
Bellamy you have to do this.
For one, you really need to over come the fear of your past and two, next time its not going to be one of your big brothers holding onto you.
Now Seth don't hold back.
Bell don't be afraid to hurt him a little." Their dad instructed.
The kids all watched as the scene before them took place.
Their mother sighed and shook her head but said nothing because their father had a valid point, tho his methods were a little unorthodox.
"Peter are you sure about this?" Martha whispered to him.
Peter nodded as he kept his eyes on his boys.
By now Bellamy was full out crying.
"Dad this is pointless." Seth sighed.
"Don't you let go.
Bellamy look at me.
Crying isn't going to make the attacker let go, their not soft like Seth here, you yourself know this.
Now, Donny grab Kit.
Bellamy, Kit needs your help.
Its just the two of you home alone and two guys broke in.
What do you do?
Hurry he's going to take Kit away who knows what that sicko will do to him.
Save him Bellamy!" Peter urged.
Seth let him go.
Donovan stop tickling Kit, sit down dinner is ready." Martha ordered.
"Can I eat in my room?" Bellamy asked as he dried his eyes on his sleeve.
"Here go ahead.
The rest of you sit!
Where are you going?" Martha said as her husband walked away.
"The den." Peter mumbled.
"I swear you boys are crazy." Martha shook her head.
The rest of her kids sat and ate, it was quiter than usual.
After dinner Octavia helped with dishes.
"Hey shrimp." Bash teased as he entered.
"Leave me alone Bash." Bellamy mumbled as he wrote in his journal.
"No can do little brother.
Besides you have two little spies in your closet I need to get to bed." Bash said as they heard giggles.
Bellamy smirked as he got up and made his way to the closet.
"Got you!" Bellamy carried two squirming boys to his bed.
"Oh no a kidnapper." Johnny giggled as Bash scooped him up and held him hostage on his lap while resting his chin ontop of Johnny's head.
Bellamy was doing the same with Cam.
"See if that was true I wouldn't be able to save him.
Dad's right I'm a failure." Bellamy sighed as he hid his head in Cam's curls.
"Daddy never said your a failure.
He just wants you to try harder." Johnny reminded him.
"Listen to the kid." Bash said as he tickles Johnny's side.
"Not Pete.
Our dad, the one Pete saved us from." Bellamy reminded.
Cam became stiff and started to shake with fear.
"Hey Cam its okay.
Your safe." Bellamy said as he wrapped his arms tighter around Cam.
"I know, I just still have nightmares about it." Cam sighed as he fiddled with his sleeves.
"Okay guys time for bed." Bash sighed.
The boys reluctantly let Bash lead them across the hall to their room they share with Kit, Ash and Nim.
"Alright settle down, school is tomorrow and you all need rest." Bash said as he turned out the lights.
Bash returned to Bellamy because they share a room.
Ballamy sat in the middle of his bed rocking as he held his legs tightly to his chest, tears fell down his face as he stared off in the distance.
Bash sighed as he sat next to him and pulled him close.
"What happened?" Peter asked as he entered.
"Well that stupid scenario you pulled downstares triggered his PTSD.
Pete what were you thinking?
You know we are sensitive to stuff like that.
Maybe your kids can pretend but for us it's reality.
We're grateful you saved us and chose to raise us so we can stay together but you can't do that kind of stuff." Bash scolded.
Pete leaned against the door listening.
"I know, I just want you kids prepared, I don't want you boys vunrable.
Those men are still out there.
No law is in place to protect us." Pete reminded.
"I know.
We chose this life too.
Our real parents taught us what they could before those men took us.
But still Pete you need to take it easy.' Bash sighed.
"You think they will take it easy?
Bash news flash your not little kids anymore they will be tougher on you now.
They were horrible to you than, I don't want to imagine what they would do now if they got ahold of you.
Think about the twins.
They too got a taste of those men, only for a sort time, look how it messed them up.
I'm sorry if my methods are harsh but its only so you both can protect yourselves and them." Pete explained.
"I know.
But face it, obviously some of us aren't ready.
But I will do my best to help get my brothers ready.
Dad sorry I snapped at you." Bash said as he combed his fingers through Bellamy's hair.
Bellamy had his head on Bash's lap and fell asleep.
Pete helped get Bellamy tucked in.....
So as you figured out we aren't blood related.
Well not all of us.
Dad adopted us into his family after rescuing us.
See the law is not like it use to be.
I guess its best I paint a clearer picture.
See the Government is under one world order.
Beliefs are a thing of the past, those who still have beliefs are targeted in more ways than one.
They don't go around killing believers, at least not yet.
But in away they might as well.
They beat on us every chance they get and that's just in school by other kids.
Well I even had a teacher keep me back so he could teach me the new ways as he puts it.
Bet you think he got fired, sorry to report he us still there and I am still in his class.
As for Bash, Bellamy, Octavia and the twins they lived in literal Hell.
See these guys attacked their home killing their parents.
They took the kids and tormented them ever since.
The twins were infant at the time and didn't get harmed until they turned six.
Dad and Donny saved them when the twins were eight.
Their both ten now.
Than there's Ethan, Max, Liam and myself Ashton.
We were living on the streets.
Sure we had our share of tormentors but not like them.
Pete and Seth where out getting supplies when they found us.
Instead of handing us over to the law he took us home.
See the law would have separated us and trained us to do whatever they needed us to do within the city.
Child slavery is a big thing again.
The factory is the worse place to be sent, only those considered criminals are sent there.
If the haircut don't control the Lints than the human traders take them.
Let's see, oh yeah Lloyd, Link and Mike.
They too lived with some guy who was crazy, his wife too.
They ran away from them and Pete took them in.
Than there's Pete's kids.
Donovan, Seth, Nim and Kit.
They had their share of tormentors from school, to a time someone broke in and held them hostage.
Apparently they escaped from one of the refuge camps and thought the place was empty.
Unfortunately those guys along with the ones Bash and his siblings left are still out there.
We live off the grid in away.
Technically no one can find this place.
Dad said its protected, as is the land.
As for going to school its interesting on how we leave and get there, let alone returning home without being followed.
But we pull it off every time.
We go to school under separate last names but are together by true relation.
I know sounds confusing but we all get it down, sort of.
At home we are the Nips, out there we have different alias and we act like we don't know each other or for some of us just friends.
I know easier if we pretend to be friends right.
But it actually isn't.
Worse part, a few older ones like Pete's boys are apart of a bully gang.
Dad said its because they are spies.
Not sure what he means by that.
But in hindsight its a plus.
We worked out a way they can make it look like they are beating us up without actually touching us.
That was fun practicing I tell ya.
Mike and Johnny came up with the idea.
Poor kids have it worse in away.
They always get real bullies beating them.
Yeah we all get bullied because we have the mark of God on us.
It was something we got at birth.
It looks like this (†).
Pete's kids get a pass because they were born at home.
See it was something done at the hospital.
There are those who chose to remove it and its brutal how they done it.
Those are considered the worst.
Than there are the Sect.
A secret group who believe that one day demons will walk among us.
To be honest its funny in away because they already do, sure some you don't see but those paranormal stuff who you think that is?
They are demons.
There are even stories of those saved by angels but you never here those stories much.
Now the Sect is called the Shadowdwellers.
They have themselves in high standings as well as low to be spies among us.
They believe they will be apart of the dark army when the war between us and the spiritual happens.
Than you have us, we are apart of the holy army.
Dad dose his best to train us but he has his work cut out for him.
We are a stubborn brood.
Besides we all have issues when it comes to fighting.
We don't deal well with it because it didn't serve us well in the past.
But we really do try when we get beat up to fight back or just run.
But I can report still not helping us, we get hurt every time, except the twins and Mike, they seem to figure an escape.
Well its time for bed and dad should be at our room soon, I hear the twins have calmed down from their tantrum.
Oh yeah that's a blast but what can we expect from kids raised in trauma.
From experience not much.
But we all try oh I got bumped to the bigger boys room...
"Ash its late you should be asleep." Pete smirked as he came in snatching the notebook and pen setting it on the night stand.
"I know.
Writing helps me relax." Ash smiled and he yawned.
"Well I say your so relaxed you are going to sleep as soon as your head hits that pillow." Pete teased as he covered Ash who was out like a light.
Pete kissed the boy's temple and said a quick prayer of protection over him like he dose every night with all the children.
"It still amazes me how we started with two boys of our own to all of these beautiful children." Martha said as she joined her husband in bed.
"What's wrong?" Martha asked.
"Its almost time.
The war is starting and they're not even near ready to be on their own." Pete sighed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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