(re-write)merasmus x mute!f!child

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This is a re-write of my first story I made...oof honestly that was so cringe to just read again g aG, SO enjoy this new and IMPROVED story :D

Anyways...again as the title says a re-write merasmus x mute!f!child reader 
Edit: so reader it now semi mute- i was thinking selective but i wouldn't fit how i imagined it. SO reader can maybe mutter *maybe* a few words and just the occasional noise

Birds sang softly in the trees they perched on, pecking and speaking to one another ..it was like a family a big one actually...they cared for each other like feeding, cleaning, and even asking if the others were ok...

wish you had that.

Every animal in this place did that...they  cared ... A few bugs flew around here and there. together in pairs or in a big bunch, the forest was so peaceful so quiet so... normal.

You always came here by yourself when you felt lonely or just wanted to be alone... not like you're family cared...well you only had dad.

He drank all day all night, without a care in the world, you thought is was ok..wonder where mommy went? .

You didn't ask that question anymore, it would always end up with you ripping glass out of your arms or even hands...it hurt a lot..you stopped speaking when papa would beat you for talking...wonder how old you were..5? 9? You were pretty tall.. You did have a maturing body--Maybe, not sure anymore you only speak in your head now. seems like that's the only "person" who won't beat you for opening your mouth...h m... well thats just if you count broken words and mummbling and the small hum as talking.

You gasp and cough your feet stomping onto the damp forest grounds the mud under your bare feet made running much harder, they were like weights holding you down...but that didn't stop you, you were much too determined to let this bastard catch you! 
you had a bag slung over your shoulder it was heavy but felt light, everything felt so cold so...empty, it hurt..your throat, it burned and stung...take breaths hurt to much. but you had to push!.

a soft laugh broke through a small cabin like home, it woke the small girl from her slumber..mama! her voice was like silk when the older woman spoke, it always put you to sleep whenever she had a chance to be with her pretty little girl, you were always a mommy's girl..mommy..you missed her you missed her so.. much.

you grit your teeth and hid behind a large stump that had once been a big proud tree..the palm of your hand hit your face and forehead as you try forgetting these memories, just ST OP
they gave you headaches, they were not something to remember at the moment- large breaths were taken in and you peek your head from the tree slowly, but choked out a startled cry as you were ripped from the spot from the tree stump, rough hands tugged at your collar and slammed your fragile frame on the ground, if you could you would scream..-but your voice refused to escape-why now??-a pain ripped into your face and your head sharply turned in a different direction..you have been punched...you curled slightly arms shooting out to defend and block your busted face. look at  yourself...pathetic- your mouth opened and eyes went wide when a foot shot into your side, it was hard to draw in any air now- another kick to the ribs made you wheeze and cough up blood.

everything was fading dark, please not now!!
you blink multiple times wheezing a noise and sobbed, oh god PLEASE!--

the tiny girl screams in joy as she was handed a small gift, the kid too eager and snatched the present out of the woman's soft hands and ripped the top of the bright colored box, this made the lady chuckle sweetly,  a small bracelet made of a shiny sterling silver ,little butterflies danced around the gift. This caught the girls eye immediately. maybe someone else's as well..the child begged her mother to put the gift on her wrist...it was so beautiful-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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