Chapter 17 - Complications 

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Shit, I had a constant buzzing in my ear, and every time I spoke, it got louder. My phone dinged as pictures of deceased Adolfo, and Stefano appeared.

"Jude, where are those items I wanted?"

"Um, inside your computer sleeve.

"Oh, great thanks," I said as I popped it off and grimaced.

Hayasdan eyes widened as he saw the pre paid Visa cards taped to computer lid. "This isn't the time to shop online Lina."

"Nothing's being delivered here." The wifi crawled at this end of the building. It was automatic action as my fingers tapped out a tune on the table. Alexan leaned over my shoulder and placed a coffee in front off me. The page loaded and I clicked on the menu then tried to select wreaths. "Shit, can somebody hotspot me."

"Lina, we still need to discuss why you ran and how—" Hayasdan said as he sat at the table as our eyes clashed as I sipped. It wasn't strong, nor was it bittersweet. The milky, lukewarm beverage left a bad taste in my mouth.

"No, I want someone to catch me up on what's happened." Alexan placed his phone on the table I connected to his internet and placed the orders. "Oh, and Jude get me a couple of phones, preferably apples."

"Why you have a phone?" Hayasdan asked as he raked his fingers through his grey hair.

"Paulie's is dead, and Chris wants Emilio's head on a fucking spike," Alexan said as I did a double-take. "Oh, and lover boy told Emilio that he's taking you back to Russia. The drama is better than a Mexican telenovela, especially since Anton arrived. He's interesting he didn't seem fussed either way about your cousin."

"Even as a kid, Anton had smarts to dislike Paulie. Have somebody shadow Chris cause he can be vindictive little shit." I pushed the half-empty coffee cup away and closed the laptop.

"Yeah, well certain people are in a meeting and have been for the last half hour."

"Why wasn't I informed?"

Hayasdan leaned back and sighed as he rubbed this face as Alexan leaned against the table. "You were out cold?"

"Masis is down the hall in the surveillance room," Alexan said as I stood with a groan. The room spun as I closed my eyes and sunk into the chair as I rubbed my temple. "You need more rest. Everything else can wait."

"I will when this is all over."

"Lina it can wait a few more hours while Masis watches the streets for threats." Hayasdan placed his hand on my arm, and with a light squeeze, I opened my eyes squinting. "Why would your sister send someone so young? Is there not anyone older and more capable?"

"I trust Emilio and Kayde to guide him because they are good solid men." Hayasdan raised an eyebrow as Jude snorted I wasn't bothered by either of their options. "Kayde could have killed me in several different ways when we met, but he didn't. Instead, we found a common goal and worked together."

"Are you haunted by what you've done at all Lina?" Hayasdan's questioning pissed me off as I stood once more.

"No, why would I be?" Alexan hovered close by as looked for my headscarf. On wobbly legs, I crossed the room and snatched it off the armchair and sighed and opened the door. "A mind as closed as yours will judge the cover and never comprehend the content."

"Where do you think you're going?" Hayasdan hissed.

"I need fresh air, or I'm going to smash something." Or worse because the peacefulness that settled within me in Georgia had evaporated. The clear skies and the fruit orchards that stretched for miles. Where replaced with a city I loathed. The stone walls that held so many treasured moments were gone. And the doubt whether I could return began to seep in.

"I'll take her to the roof," Levon said as he held a jacket out towards me. "The sea breeze is freezing this time of night."


"No, thank you for yesterday." Levon met my quizzical gaze head-on before he lowered it onto my shoulders. "The way you peppered the wall it gave us a chance Lina you aren't what I expected."

"No, I'm multi-talented and full of surprises, but don't ever misconstrue my kindness for weakness. Any of you think of crossing me. It will be the last thing you ever do."

"Vazken help me clear the corridor and stairs." Levon's narrowed gaze studied me for a moment before he looked over my head. Levon made adjustments to the black muslin headpiece before we started along the hallway.

It opened onto a walkway suspended high above an open area. Camp beds were filled with sleeping soldiers, while others milled together in groups. Scepticism would keep the defined lines drawn between the different nationalities. Many would perish because they were confined within these walls together.

"Are the men's families safe?" Every step I climbed my spirits soared as I caught a whiff of salty air.

"Yes, and they are restless. It's a risk housing them together when information isn't being passed on. Fear and rumours feed the imagination, and the longer it goes on the worse it will become." Levon opened the door as a gust of wind tore through the stairway.

"That's what I thought." The feather down jacket I pulled closer as the chill began to seep into my bones.

I brushed past Levon onto the roof as he asked, "What do you plan to do about?"

"I'm not sure of anything I haven't had time to collect my thoughts or figure out the best course of action." Hunched against the brisk sea breeze as I wandered across the rooftop, taking in the lights of the city.

"Why did you leave Chicago? I mean after the fundraiser you could've stayed."

"No, cutting ties was the only solution." Levon pushed off the wall as he dug his hands into his pockets."What?"

"Vazhen will take you back to your quarters when you're ready." His manner changed to all business as he stalked off inside. Shrouded in darkness, I took a moment to centre myself.

There was no easy answer to the events that led to this juncture either way? I had to decide whether I leap in headfirst alongside those men inside. Or take the route of self-preservation?

That was the latest chapter what will Evangelina do?
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