Chapter 1

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Somewhere in the Elf Kingdom

"What where are we," Bestia said in a panic," this is not Midgard". An elf then drew her blades, "what are you?" she demanded in her Scottish accent. While Bestia was freaking out, Fitheach the step forward, "I am Fitheach and I am a bird person and this is my brother Bestia," as she points to the freaking out Dragonoid," and he is a Dragon." He's a dragon," she said a mocking tone," He looks more like a strange lizard thing that wears bones," she said. Well, he's a dragon so deal with it, not who are you two." Well, I Rayala, a Moonshadow elf and these humans are our Callum, Ezran, and Soren, the yellow frog is Bait and the baby dragon is Zym." Moonshadow elf?  she questioned, Is that a type of darker elf, she thought to her self. "Well if we want to survive we need to work together," she stated. "Alright, but if you try anything I'll kill you both," she threatened.  "You can surely try," Bestia joked.

After walking through the forest, and Ezran and Callum questioning the siblings they found an elven city with houses and building on top trees and various elves throughout the city." Hey sis," the dragon said," don't you have some illusion spells," he asked. "Yep, "she said as she cast an illusion spell to make them look like wood elves." You guys are mages?" Rayla asked. "No, but we do know something," the bird-woman said. "Oh well, can you use one on me," Callum asked. "You'll be fine, I think," the dragon-man said. "Alright, but if I get pelted with arrows with your fault," Callum said.  They made it into the entrance, (but not before Callum, Soren, and Ezran try to dress up as elves)where they were stopped by the guards," Halt, what business do you have here", the guard asked. "We are travelers, explore the outside world, Bestia explained and I would like to know what this place is and who rules over it." This the city of Valenwood and it is ruled over by Gress, the Nature Dragon Lord".  "Thank you, and is their anywhere we can stay for the night, she asked", Well you could stay at the local temple, they are providing a place for people to stay in," the guard stated. The group then entered Valenwood and saw many people, even non-elves like minotaurs, werewolves, and plantmen. They then made it to the temple, but most shocking is they found a statue of Punitto Moe." Oh my, Irene, (Get the reference?)" Bestia said in a really shocked tone. "What's wrong," Ezran asked, " We knew him, he said, he was one our friends," then they saw more statues of their friends, " We knew all of them," fit said.", but how is that possible, "Callum asked. "Well let's go find out, "Fit stated, as they went inside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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