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"You will love this, Neonata. This is more special because you're here and this is no one's favorite but you. I have craved this for a while now since I haven't cooked it in months when-"

"Nana," Alessandro cut her in a hard tone.

I threw her a questioning look at which she just shrugged off and smiled. So, it only meant one thing; there were things never done in the house that would remind them of me. Was he that really adamant to forget about me? I internally sighed down, quickly dismissing the unwanted disappointment.

He was sitting at the head of the table like the powerful man that he is, looking very intimidating. As I was sitting across from him next to Nana, I just couldn't look straight without meeting his eyes- if he were looking at me.

Nana continued, "The house has never been so alive. Alessandro seems more like a living man now, I suppose. By all means, I knew you would come back, but he had kicked the bucket when you left-"

"I think you're overdoing it, Nana Mena." He carped. "We're eating, aren't we?" His tone was scolding, but Nana seemed to pretend not to notice it.

As for me, I just couldn't look in his direction yet. The embarrassment from earlier was still scolding in my mind, replaying the scene of how I begged him in my mind to touch me there. Instead, I fixed my eyes on Nana Mena, eager to hear what she was going to say despite the distaste in Alessandro's voice. She went even deeper into the subject, not even trying to tread carefully, looking amused. I felt like Alessandro's butting in had creased her up even more.

"Non lasciarlo di nuovo, Neonata, altrimenti congelerà l'inferno per trovarti." She chuckled. My forehead wrinkled.

Although I'm surrounded by these people speaking in their language, Italian is still puzzling for me to completely understand longer sentences, however, Inferno is crystal clear to my ears.

(Don't leave him again, Neonata, else he will freeze hell to find you. )

"What does that mean?" I heard myself asking.

"Nana," his voice was filled with warning.

She feigned a gasp, "Oh, I apologize. I just said, now that you are finally here, it wouldn't feel like an Inferno anymore because you are like a block of ice breaking it." She smiled warmly. I smiled back. I understand that whatever she meant by that, it was not meant for me to comprehend. She could be saying we'd go to hell and I would just say yes without a tad of doubt.

Without conscious control, I glanced in his direction only to hold back the gasp that almost slipped past my mouth to see that he was already staring at me, intently. Flustered, I immediately cast my gaze down on the food in front of me, feeling sheepish all of a sudden. The memory of us together in the bathroom was just difficult to get rid of. I guess I had just missed being with this man, to be back in his arms again. And the thought made my thighs clench together.

Clearing my throat, I started to eat.

Nana Mena put pieces of garlic butter shrimps on my plate. Oh Yeah. I missed her cooking.

She really is one of the best cooks in the world.

Hmmm. Damn, this is good. The taste burst on my tongue, making me moan. I missed this wholeheartedly. In those months alone, my tongue was sick and tired of eating takeout foods. All greasy and very unhealthy.

"I missed this so much, Nana Mena," I told her, moaning, as I licked my fingers enthusiastically.

Right, I especially eat this scrumptious dish with my bare hands, because when I did so, the more it got tastier. I had told Nana before that I much preferred to eat shrimps in their carapace as I had the time of my life removing the shells. The food is also much appreciated.

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